Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday smilers................

Okay - it's 03:20 and I'm bored! Body clock screwed up from working hours - so you lot get to suffer whatever the heck weird and wonderful things I have managed to come across this fine Sunday morning!!!

a222_p5 HA!!!!! So this is what Michael Jackson used!!!!

a218_a1 Incest repellant? Back off daddyo!

a218_a3 'Bring your favorite Mexican?? Lemme think about that one - ohhhhhhhhhhh Speedy Gonzales - where are you?????

a218_a5 Well - if it's gentle???........................

a218_a6 This cracked me up - 'Sorry I forgot Valentines day - but now I know I can bury you properly!!!' Soooooooooo romantic!!!

a218_a7 Oh yes! They'll even take care of those pesky babies too!

a218_a10 2 kids per adult entree? And free too! Yum!

a218_a12 Is she sure it was the dentist?

a218_a14 Well gee! I wonder how much they charged her to maker her forget something she never knew she had in the first place?!

a219_p2 Hmmmmmmmmm the intruder was in the mirror!!??!!??

a219_p3 Don't ya just wanna know what the reply was??!!!

a219_p6 I wanna know how he asked the duck in the first place?!

a219_p9 Just when ya think people can not get any dumber!

a219_p15 Give a man a remote and the sports channels and see what happens??!!!

a220_c2 ME ME PICK MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! I have my own DR WHO travel music too!

a220_c9 Too easy - but I'm gonna do it anyway - Britney, Amy - come here dears - I have something to show you!

a220_c14 Damn! A bit tough on the cat huh!

And to finish off.......................

a221_Slipperydick Not saying a damn thing!!!!!

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