Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Crime Snippets.............

Sleepy head
It never ceases to amaze me how many criminals are caught asleep at the scene of the crime in burglaries.
Here we have a guy breaking into a vehicle and being found asleep in it after trying to remove the radio.
Great quote from this one,"We read him his Miranda rights and asked him if he wanted to remain silent. Then we woke him up." Gotta love it!

More sleepy heads...........
AND they effectively left a trail of crumbs this time - in the shape of pillows and backpacks - nice big crumbs! AND both - yes BOTH were found asleep!

Search warrants sealed.........
Nancy Cooper vanished from her home on July 12 - her body found a couple of days later.
Her friend had reported her missing - her husband had not! (Is the volume loud enough to speak to everyone yet!!)
Ok so that may sound like guilty till proven innocent - but Nancy's parents won a petition for emergency temporary of Nancy's children citing domestic violence, infidelity and mental instability after her body was found. (The volume is so loud my ears are about to bleed - how are yours doing???!!!!)
It is quite unusual for search warrants to be sealed after evidence has been collected - but not unheard of. Judge Donald Stephens said, "the release of this information will jeopardize the right of the State to prosecute a defendant or the right of the defendant to a fair trial or will undermine an ongoing or future investigation."
I agree with the sealing for the simple reason the volume is loud enough already in this case - more added tempo and bass is not needed!

Pool company president charged in boy's death........
A 6yr old boy's arm was trapped in the suction of a drain pump - causing the boy to drown.
The president of the pool company is said to have "recklessly caused the death" of the child by failing to ensure mandated safety devices were installed in the pool.
It is nice to see a company being taken to task over shoddy workmanship and/or cost-cutting - leading to serious injury or in this and many other cases - death of a consumer/customer.
The family are filing the lawsuit and I wish them all the luck in the world.
Funnily enough - the company's warehouse was destroyed by a fire - cause - as yet - unknown - the president being arrested 3 days later!

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