Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mixture of snippets..........

Orders to prosecute knife offenders being ignored........
Well - it seems as though no one can win! The government eventually decided to get tough on knife crime - police are giving cautions rather than automatic prosecution - so the government will no doubt have something more to whine about and shift blame to anywhere but themselves and the courts.
I do still hold on to what I said in a previous entry here though - in that if you are caught carrying a knife (or any weapon) and you do not have a valid reason - it is therefore appropriate to assume that you could use it in the furtherance of a crime - whatever the nature of the crime is.
There are others that naturally have a different opinion - which I respect completely - however - the softly softly approach has to stop somewhere!

Blair's 'farewell tour' cost taxpayers more than £750,000........
Well of course there is nothing else going on in the country that the money could have been used for is there???!!!
"A leaked memo from Mr Blair's advisers revealed plans for him to be seen at 'iconic sites' as he prepared to leave office, playing up his status as a world statesman."
Why can I suddenly hear the song 'You're So Vain' resonating???!!!

Villagers forced to take their rubbish one-and- a half miles to be collected.......
What is it that our council tax is used to pay for - rubbish collection services are supposed to be part of the fee??
There have been other stories of council's threatening to refuse collection and even fine families that do not appropriately recycle their rubbish!
A 85 yr old cancer patient and his wife who has arthritis had their rubbish left uncollected because they could not push/drag their wheelie bin 100 yds. On contacting the council they were told 'they had a policy to stick to.'
Funnily enough - maybe on finding out it would be reported in the newspaper (who knows?!) a solution was found where their rubbish would be collected from their doorstep until a permanent solution be found!
Calls have been rejected for a review of the situation until September.
This is far from being the only case or area - yet they wonder why fly-tipping is such a problem!

YouTube Ranting divorcee wins £350,000 from multi-millionaire hubby.......
Her video trying to humiliate her hubby about their sex life and relatives got more hits than she did pounds. She had signed a pre-nup agreement.
In a still from the video on the link provided she reminds me of some other gold-digging bint - ermmmmm what's her name - Heather Mills - the wide eyes - anger - crazed look does not mix well when trying to do a 'woe is me' speech!
Maybe one day these people will learn - tact - diplomacy and not acting like a spoilt brat that has had it's sweets taken away will win a hell of a lot more sympathy than raving on like a wild banshee!

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