Monday, July 21, 2008

The 'Wasp' knife is coming to Britain........

So of course everyone and their mother is getting into a furore about it.
It IS a highly dangerous weapon - used primarily by hunters - a frozen ball of gas is shot from the tip at the press of a button - instantly balloons to the size of a basketball - freezing internal organs.
Not pretty - neither is the demo video on You Tube with a guy using it on a watermelon.

So now we get to the usual 'the internet makes it easier to buy weapons like this'. (The internet is to blame for everything near enough don'tcha know!)
Yes it does - and at only £200 a throw (pun not intended) it is very easy to buy. £200 is far from being seen as a lot of money - even for teenagers.

So how do they intend to stop the spread?
More community policing? Well - that would certainly help - but we have to be able to get them out from behind desks and stop the stupid amount of paperwork your everyday copper has to do for each call - whether a crime or not.
Larger and tougher sentences for crimes - especially those carried out by youths?
Again this would help - I blethered on about this in one of my previous entries a few days ago - 'If you create a f**k you society - don't be surprised when it says 'f**k you' back!'
For too long now youths have been caught committing crimes - going to court and effectively being told they are naughty boys and girls but they will be given another chance. I know one of these 'naughty boys' - he appeared in court for the 47th time recently - his crimes range from shoplifting - to assault - to being in possession of an illegal weapon (a gun in this case) - and he is yet to see the inside of a juvenile detention centre. He is far from being the only one!
Can you imagine how much it must suck to be a policeman arresting someone like him - all the paperwork - the processing - but knowing he will go to court the next day - bailed to appear at a later date and then given another smack on the wrist?!

Give them proper sentences for dangerous crimes - too many now know they can get away with just about anything. How many more dead teenagers or in fact dead anybody is it going to take before something is actually done!
Stop putting 20 yr olds in juvenile centres! They are NOT juveniles - they are adults!
If they took the adults out of prisons for things like not paying their council tax or for arguing over a hedge (yep!) - they would not have the prison spaces they require in total - but they would have a few thousand available! Community sentences are there for a reason - but then again - it would be difficult to actually find a 'community' in Britain right now - but they should still be used effectively.

For too long now children have been given adult's rights when not emotionally or mentally capable of fully understanding the responsibilities those rights entail. They have been taught - through inaction of the courts and the government that they can act how they want and that there will be little/no consequences.
Adult rights and responsibilities have been taken away from adults - parents and teachers and many others - in case the little darlings get upset.
They don't get upset - they learn how to say 'f**k you - I don't have to do as you say!'

I am not going into sentencing here too much for crimes for any age group as it is all a joke - but one of the major problems here right now is youth crime - particularly knife crime - from our little brigades of 'I can do as I want'.

It is about time the courts act as they should be acting and give these people the sentences they deserve. Three years for killing someone with a knife is NOT long enough - when that person will be out of prison within a year and a half in most cases. (This is one sentence being served by a 20 yr old in a youth detention centre as shown on a recent documentary here.)
Repeat offences should carry longer sentencing - not just for knife crime - for any crime.
We are taught from being young children that for every action there is a consequence - good action=good consequence - bad action=bad consequence. As parents we are expected to pass that down to our children - and most of us do!
The laws of the country are there to show there is a consequence if you commit a crime.
The courts are supposed to be there to make sure the law is applied appropriately.
It's about time they did their job.

The government have some front in going on the warpath against knife crime now when so many youngsters have lost their lives this year already - but I guess better late than never!

License weapons - make it an offense to carry unlicensed weapons - a proper offense - not a smack on the wrist. If you are carrying a weapon and it is not for legal purposes then it is fair to assume you are going to use that weapon for illegal ones.

This country is rapidly slipping back into the dark ages - where there is little/no sense of community; respect is not required; education means nothing; the judicial system is seen as nothing more than a farce. 'Cavemen' wander the streets - except now the cavemen carry more offensive and dangerous weapons than a club - and will use those weapons to get what they want or to harm/kill you even if you look at them the wrong way!

Some country to be proud of huh?! Yet people wonder why I want to get out of it and out of Europe altogether so bad!

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