Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Snippets from the last couple of days...........

There comes a time when everyone must realise that it is time to go............
and that time has come for Gordon Brown (PM) amidst new headlines that ten ministers are prepared to quit to force him out. Backbenchers have called for him to step down. Voters have called for him to step down. Yet he still appears to be wandering around in his own little world believing he can somehow magically pull this off and continue as PM! I think it is time he took his head out his ass and smelt the coffee and the roses - and actually asks himself whether he cares about the Labour party or not. As one former adviser said:
"..........If Brown goes voluntarily we only lose by 50 seats; if he stays, we lose by 150; and if he is forced out, we lose by 250."
He has a choice - he can step down and say that it was for the future of the party that in light of recent speculation and stories that he is stepping down ......... or he can stay - be ousted - lose the Labour party everything and become known as one of the worst PM's in modern times.

Stolen UK Passports..............
'The Foreign Office admitted a serious breach of security when a van carrying the new passports destined for British embassies overseas was hijacked a short distance from the factory that made them.'
Well - that's big of them! Oh - the robbers got the the vignettes too!
Not even saying anything else - there is too much damage can be done with these and for it to be allowed to happen is incomprehensible!
What the hell was the driver doing stopping for a newspaper and why were these documents obviously not in a secure van? Yet another way of cost-cutting that could end up costing lives in so many ways.

All is to be fair in love and war............
and in domestic abuse cases in this case. All I can say is - about time - it took them till 1990 to make it illegal for a man to rape his wife (conjugal rights) - so not surprising it took them this long for this to happen - but hey - at least they got there!

Baby in mortuary freezer for 21 years is to be buried at last.......
The father believes a vaccination given to the baby at 4 months old was a contributor - the official cause was put down as cot death. For the last 21 years the father has refused to sign a death certificate so the council have taken it out of his hands so that the baby can be laid to rest.
This is such a tough one to comment on - my heart saying one thing and my head another - so I am not going to except to say read the clip and see what you think!

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