Saturday, July 19, 2008


Facebook posting sends man to prison
In a world now where you DO have to be more and more careful what you post online - free-speech not being quite as 'free' as one thinks - esp here in England - I do have to say that this guy deserved it!
He did not write anything libellous - he did not post kiddie porn. But he did appear in a picture on there portraying him as an unrepentant scumbag.
I do not even think that he should not have been partying - although I do condemn drunk drivers to the fullest. It is the outfit he was wearing that shows him as an unrepentant scumbag.
However - this does also show how careful one has to be these days even on personal pages and how the prosecutors came across this when on Facebook - you can not see someone's profile unless you are a friend or a friend-of-a-friend. Just goes to show - collecting 'friends' you do not know can be detrimental - especially if potential employers, police and other services are using these social networking sites to gain more insight into someone's life!

Man pepper-sprayed his 1 yr old daughter
I hear many saying, 'WTF??!!!'.
Breaking down the door at the mother's apartment he threatened the mother - beat her and sprayed the little girl in the face. He is now facing 12 felony counts.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people - male and female - in custody disputes or bitter arguments are prepared to hurt - and in extreme cases - kill their child/children just to try and get the 'upper hand' and hurt the other parent more. Children are a blessing and should be treated as such. Nobody deserves to be abused or attacked - but to harm a child for revenge or egotistical purposes is simply another form of the 'power trip'. Some power trip!!!!

9 year old's call to 911 - 'My dad stabbed my mom with a sword'
Right after writing the snippet above I came across this story - gut wrenching and tear jerking. Reading the transcript of the call from this 9 yr old trying to be the calm big sister going to the little girl she is - but also knowing that those little children have now been forced to grow up far too quickly and in no way any child should be.

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