Monday, July 28, 2008

Killing in the name of Islam is acceptable.......

That is according to one third of British Muslim students.

Ok so it can be argued that this survey was not taken by ALL Muslim students - but it is still pretty damning all the same.

I have no problem with their personal beliefs in women wearing veils - men and women mixing freely together is wrong (Muslim I must add here) and other personal stuff.

I DO mind when so many believe that wherever they are it is ok to kill in the name of Islam and that 40% want to see the introduction of Sharia Law in Britain!
I would not go to a Muslim country and demand that Christian laws should be introduced or that any other Christian beliefs should. I would expect the right to be able to practice my religion peacefully as is allowed here for any religion by the majority of people - and if it was not I would leave.

To ask for Sharia Law to be introduced and a worldwide Islamic government based on Sharia law is alarming to say the least.

Many countries accommodate different religions and allow peaceful practice of those religions - it is called tolerance and understanding.

However when it comes to wanting to change the laws of the country or introduce a new law such as Sharia - it is too extreme and too much. Like I said - would Islamic countries allow our law to be incorporated or are we expected to respect their laws and their way of life if we visit/live in these places?

'When in Rome..........' obviously springs to mind and although I agree that tolerance should be a good factor - this is taking tolerance too far to just lying down and dying.

Yes this is just a survey of university students - still damning and still alarming when these people are supposed to be some of the ones leading the way for the future.

Let us just hope that the British government cares more about Britain and the UK to never allow this instead of doing what they normally do and roll over and play dead to keep the minority happy and forget about the majority.

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