Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Crime snippets - bizarre and serious..........

You will get caught pretty damn quick if you leave ID behind.......
Yep - another one - it seems these days if robbers/burglars aren't falling asleep on the job they are leaving ID behind - in this case a bank robber who wrote his demand notice on the back of one of his own personal checks!

Shoplifter leaves daughter behind..........
I don't even know what to say to this one! After stealing cosmetics at a store in Germany - a security alarm went off as the woman was leaving the store and she ran off - leaving her 6 yr old daughter behind.
The father of the child turned up to report his daughter missing - at least someone cared about her huh!

Commit a crime and post it on the internet.... real smart!!!

Beaten and kicked for eating and drinking water........
Tanesha Anderson - 20 - beat and kicked a 3 yr old and 4 yr old (her boyfriend's children) and coerced a 10 yr old she was looking after to do the same. Apparently they had sneaked food and water.

Injuries include a lacerated liver, swollen spleen and kidneys and bruising to her face for the 3 yr old - the 4 yr old suffered bruises.
There is a special hell in hell for people like this I believe - till then I hope she lives that hell on earth first in the most severe way.

Morons come in pairs too...............
A couple (woman 19 - guy 24) - trying to buy marijuana were robbed. They called the police - gave details of how much cash was in the purse (a considerable amount apparently) - and that it was to buy drugs with! They then gave their own details and......were promptly arrested. The police must have been thinking 'it can't be THIS easy!' I am beginning to wonder myself whether the 19 and 24 are their ages or their IQ levels!

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