Wednesday, July 23, 2008

More snippets.....

You're not paranoid - they really are watching you.....
and anyone they feel like so it would seem!
Over 1400 spying operations instigated every day last year by councils - for things such as checking that someone lives in the correct catchment area for a school; 3,000 people having phone and email records checked for the investigation of suspected dog fouling and littering; suspected faith healers and on and on.
After all - this is what the anti-terror laws were brought in for?
There were extreme fears that this part of the anti-terror laws would be abused in order to create a more Big Brother society where apparently any council worker has the right to request phone records and details of sites visited for reasons not covered by the Bill. Those fears seem to have been justified!

True bravery - Marine to receive George Cross............
Yes I am a supporter of armed services - here and the States and other allies!
This time it happens to be one of our guys - a Royal Marine who threw himself on to an exploding grenade to protect the lives of his colleagues and yes he survived - all limbs intact!
Lance Corporal Matthew Croucher - 24 - you truly are a hero!

Darwin's jailed for just over 6 years each.........
Canoe man and his lying scheming wife who tried to use coercion as a defence that is!
What a cow! She deceived her own sons for years and other family members so that herself and her husband could claim on a £250,000 insurance benefit.
Yes - I realise he is as guilty as she is for deceiving family and friends too - but as a mother - how can you go and tell your kids their father is dead knowing full well he is not! How can you cause your kids that much heartache for the sake of money and continuously lie to them year after year and then have the audacity to try the 'he made me do it' defence in court!

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