Sunday, June 22, 2008

Smoking ban; Parenting overruled; Derek Clontz;

Smoking ban - tobacco out - marijuana remains
From July 1st - tobacco will no longer be allowed to be smoked in public places - BUT - marijuana will still be allowed.........pure marijuana that is! So no more cutting a joint with tobacco or coffee shop owners could be fined.
This is of course in the Netherlands.
Can't you just see it - coffee shop for lunch break - receiving a call from your boss the next morning asking why you did not return to work.
Your response, "Work? What work? I have a job????"
Okay so a little exagerrated - but smoking a 'pure' joint will be for most people the equivalent of knocking back a full bottle of bacardi in one hit - rather than spreading it throughout the evening.
Like many I tried this when younger - marijuana that is - oh and the bacardi thing too ;) So I do question as to whether I feel a tad jealous of what appears to be the exceptionally laid back lifestyle there - or whether I actually enjoy spending at least some of my time in a vertical postion of my own accord!

You can't punish me - nah nah!
As a parent - the story via the link provided - hacked me off no end.
We hear so many times of how there are parents - who though not negligent - do not really take notice of what their kids are up to, or take steps to curb rude behaviour.
Kids notice this - and will take advantage - that is what kids are supposed to do - test their boundaries!
It is the job of parents when these boundaries are pushed too far - to pull the kids back within those boundaries.
That is what these parents did in a perfectly acceptable manner with their 12yr old daughter - to have it overturned in court - this took place in Canada.
I believe children have rights - I also believe as a parent I have rights - and like most do my job as a parent to the best of my ability. I believe 2 of my jobs as a parent is to raise respectful, well-mannered children that can become functional members of society as they grow and learn - and also to protect them from the many dangers out there in the 'big bad world'.
To impose a standard punishment - that was non-violent - and to be told by a judge you cannot is abhorrent. I wonder if this same judge has ever had to decide on cases where the parent has REALLY been negligent and had to comment on this (will have a quick scoot around for this). I don't need a 'nanny state' to tell me how to raise my kids - nor did the parents involved here - but they got it anyway.
Let's hope it does not spread!

If you want something on the lighter side - try this guy - Derek Clontz - with stories such as Stonehenge being built by humans who were slaves to aliens - who then zapped them to keep them from blabbing.
OR.......... the velvet painting of Elvis - that begs for food - says 'thank you very much.....' and cries real tears!
It really is a very good site and after reading about all the horror in the world - we need something that will make us smirk - or say WTF???!!!

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