Sunday, June 22, 2008

Grave Disturbances.............

I am a fan of Geoffrey Abbott's writing and the book 'Grave Disturbances - A History of the Body Snatchers' - did not disappoint.
When it comes to the topic of body snatching - many revolve (nearly solely) around Burke & Hare - and whilst their crimes were indeed gruesome - there were many others before and a few after that
From snatching fresh bodies just buried to murder - all for money and in the name of medical science - and the penalties paid when caught - by both - the 'resurrection men' and the doctors - and in some cases, there were vast differences in the sentences handed down. The effect of the Anatomy Act 1832 - which basically ceased the trade for these purposes - yet the book continues to refer to earlier and later forms of body snaching for relics and 'collectors' items.

I recommend any of Geoffrey Abbott's work - his writing is clear and concise without blethering on and always contains lots of information and facts that a lot of other authors do not use or research enough for their writings. Good bedtime reading!!!!!

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