Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest?

Hard to say out of these 4 which is which - but it still brings a smirk to the face when trying to figure out whether people are really this stupid?!

Reunited - but it didn't feel so good!
Germany - 4 guys break into a supermarket - security guards catches them - cuffs one and holds the other 3 to wait for police. The guy in the cuffs gets away and runs straight to the police station - to have the cuffs removed. He was soon reunited with his 3 friends - in a cell!

Tired on the job!
Burgling that is - but then falling asleep while still inside???
Yep - the Sherwood Forrest Building (and no signs of Robin Hood - unless you count the sleeping burglar as a Robbing Hood(lum) (yeah yeah groan!) was the focal point of 33 yr old Adan Cervantes earlier this month - but poor lad must have been so tired - he fell asleep while in one of the offices. For his nap - he now has to look forward to charges of 3rd degree felony counts of burglary, criminal mischief and one count of misdemeanor theft.

It gets better!
This guy did not fall asleep - but he returned to a convenience store to rob it - a few minutes after handing over his license so the clerk would turn on the gasoline pump!
To top it off - he is a regular at the store and is on first-name terms with the clerk!

It's compost sir - weally!
Not sure if compost is the right word there - but hey ho!
Caught with a few bags each containing over a gallon of marijuana in each - the suspect claimed it was for recycling! (Story from earlier this month)

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