Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How NOT to get rid of bees!

You find a load of bees swarming around your utility shed.

You soak towels in gasoline to kill them - after all you are trained on gasoline flash points and flammibility - so what could go wrong????!!!!!

You walk away from the shed to hear a 'whooosh' sound - oops - oh dear - you forgot about the hot water heater in the shed and it's pesky pilot light - which was so attracted to the gasoline!

You now have no home - rented - caused $80,000 of damage - and to top it all a few bees are still swarming around the ashes!

This is how NOT to get rid of bees - and as no one was hurt (thankfully) I have to admit to going between giggling my ass off and thinking 'WTF was he thinking?!'

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