Friday, June 20, 2008

My first batch of snippets..............

Ok here goes - some of the things that have caught my eye so far today.........

Attempted armed robbery with a plant!
Oh yes it really happened - and whilst the plant could have caused some nasty damage had it caught someone's eyes - this is just hilarious. He was arrested later the same day nearby -as you will see from the link - this link is the actual security cam footage. The customer shooing him out of the shop with a stool in true lion tamer style is a nice finishing touch!

You had marijuana wrapped around your ??????
Yep - John Christopher Williams - arrested on warrants for failing to appear at court - had 9 grams of the stuff wrapped around his penis.
It was not spotted until he was checked in to prison when guards saw it and he said it was 'a misunderstanding!'
What the heck was his defence going to be? Not as though he can say someone slipped it into a pocket or bag belonging to him!
'It was a case of being drugged by rohypnol your honor so they could wrap this around my penis?' ................. nah not gonna work!
Luckily his lawyer made him see sense and admit he should have mentioned it on being arrested on the warrants charge.

Hair ya go!
A cook was very unhappy at having one of his steaks that he had prepared sent back - and told to prepare another one. He did and added some of his hair to it!
Charged with placing foreign objects into edibles he could face a fine of up to $10,000 and 3 and half years in prison.
Cool hwip anyone?!

Bad hair day?
This woman certainly had one. A Brit on her travels in Norway - was arrested at Oslo airport after customs agents asked to examine a wig she was wearing and found it was hiding a bag containing 2.2lbs of cocaine - glued to her head. She was detained on 'suspicion of drug smuggling'.
Guess she won't be able to say it was a migraine patch remedy then?!

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