Friday, June 27, 2008

Outlawing executions for people who rape children..........

News, blogs, general comments sites have been inundated with this topic - because it is a topic close to most people's hearts in one way or another - the Supreme Court ruling to outlaw the executions of people who rape children - where the child survives and is not murdered.
We no longer have the death penalty over here - I am not about to say whether it is right or wrong because I do believe it depends on the crime.
As a parent - the mama bear in me comes out even at the thought of someone trying to do harm to my kids - let alone something as devastating as rape.
I have seen the long term effects on people - none of them good. I have seen people that were raped as children - whether by a stranger or family member/trusted friend or person - find a way to live - to become successful thriving members of society and have successful relationships and families of their own.
This does not mean that there are no lasting effects. It can be very simple what can cause a trigger - even a stranger walking past them wearing the same aftershave/newspaper headlines or stories when the person is feeling depressed/somebody saying something so innocent - and many others - can cause triggers which can lead to severe panic attacks/severe depression amongst many effects.
There is also the flip side - people who were raped and it affects their whole lives - and this is not their fault - it is not ever a case of 'get over it and move on' 'don't let the b***ards grind you down' or any of the other things often said. Until you have been through anything like this - it is impossible to say what the effects will be and they are different for everyone.

The mama bear in me says 'kill the b***ards' or give me 20 mins in a room with some nice equipment and I can re-enact scenes from Hostel 2 - if you have seen that movie you will know I am specifically referring to a bit near the end of it - even though it was hardly a filling meal for the dogs!

The other part of me also agrees with the other opinions I have read. If someone is going to get executed for rape - what is to stop them going as far as murder to prevent them being identified by a child victim? The 'may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb' theory. We have read in so many cases where someone has gone on to murder their victim to prevent from being identified - can the abolition really prevent this to any extent?
Can the abolition of the death penalty in cases of child rape that do not result in the childs death prevent a rapist from going as far as killing the child? That is a tough one - after all - this depends from rapist to rapist.

There is the political side as well - in that it is a blanket prohibition and states have no individual control over this any longer - however - politics is far from being my field - so that I am steering clear of.

The abolition of the death penalty in rape cases where the victim was an adult woman - raped but not murdered - was enacted in 1977. Has this made any difference? Again - hard to say without talking to the rapists themselves.

The murder of a child for any reason is always going to get people angered, sad, frustrated and screaming for justice in the form of 'a life for a life'. The taking of a child's innocence in a crime as heinous as rape is also always going to enact the most immense feelings in most of us.

Could this abolition really prevent more children being murdered in rape cases as some people have commented?
Should individual states be allowed to have their own opinions and rights as to whether they enact the death penalty or not?
Is a fixed penalty sentence enough for a child rapist or should they be executed?

Everyone has different opinons and always will.............

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