Monday, June 30, 2008

A few to get the week started.......

A few that have caught my eye - just to start things off for the week!

They walked into the courthouse - exchanged the necessary pleasantries down to the 'I do' - an were seemingly husband and wife.Officials apparently became suspicious when the 'bride' applied for a name change a couple of months later to 'Penelopsky Aaryonna Goldberry' - and heck it wasn't even the name that raised the flags (though that would be enough for some!) Records were checked and it was found the 'bride' had in fact been born a male. So now there is the whole transgender thing is arising as to what what - in rigid legal definitions (so many puns - so little time!) - makes one male or female. Everyone and their mother has opinions on this - and it is a difficult situation - so with that - I leave this snippet with a link to the article.,2933,370422,00.html

A naked cyclist is facing charges of exhibitionism and obstruction of justice after leading police - on bicycles and in a patrol car - in Laval (just north of Montreal).Apparently by the time he was cornered he had more clothes on - a Lt. commenting: "Maybe he had a knapsack hidden somewhere."
Okay - how many images are you seeing right now???!!!

Especially when a crook leaves something behind with their name on! Drilling into tanks to steal fuel - this one left a drill behind - with his name on - and to top it off - when the police got to his home - they also found a methamphetamine lab (allegedly). So on top of charges of grand theft, burglary of a conveyance and criminal mischief - they now also face drug charges!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

When it goes wrong - it stinks! (and other snippets!)

Oh yes - really stinks! Germany - a woman trying to make manure bombs using stockings - fell into the slurry tank - fleeing the scene naked. It is thought they may have been making the manure bombs to celebrate Germany beating Turkey in the Euro 2008 semi-final.......... Ya know............ there are much better and less smelly ways to celebrate!!!,2933,372782,00.html

A man being sought by police for questioning in a series of motor accidents has been arrested .................... ater crashing his truck into a state police garage!!!

Gotta love a headline like this: 'Giant Penis Penetrates Graduation Ceremony'. He was caught after tripping over his nu.... lower part of the costume!

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin - at Walmarts????

Nahhhhhhhh I didn't think so either - but a lot of people did and paid him $10 for each autograph. Managers of the store called the police - but he had gone by the time they got there.

The second coming??? Baby Jesus back after 6 years. Have a look at the story - then think about the bit that rather than spend the $1000 on a new set - the owner - Hoffman - used dolls or her son!!! Then had the front to say : "Jack usually didn't last too long," Hoffman said. "It was hard to convince him to lie out there in the freezing cold."

A pimp in exchange for a pizza? A Hamilton County Municipal Court Judge kept her promise of a pizza to a prostitute in exchange for information who her pimp was - who was arrested!

A lot cheaper than hours and hours of police time and resources!

Maybe he should have made sure she was eating better!

You don't mess with the Fonzi? Oops sorry - make that "You don't mess with the Fawzi".

Loved this - a gun beats an attempted bank robber with a bomb!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Gov. Jindal and the "Sex Offender Chemical Castration Bill"

You just have to love some people and this guy is one of them.
Right on the heels of the ruling barring the death penalty for sex offenders/child rapists - Gov. Jindal signed the "Sex Offender Chemical Castration Bill" - and although offenders will have a choice of physical or chemical castration - they will also have to serve their sentence!
Read the full clip here - and I bet you can't without a huge smirk of appreciation!!!!

Outlawing executions for people who rape children..........

News, blogs, general comments sites have been inundated with this topic - because it is a topic close to most people's hearts in one way or another - the Supreme Court ruling to outlaw the executions of people who rape children - where the child survives and is not murdered.
We no longer have the death penalty over here - I am not about to say whether it is right or wrong because I do believe it depends on the crime.
As a parent - the mama bear in me comes out even at the thought of someone trying to do harm to my kids - let alone something as devastating as rape.
I have seen the long term effects on people - none of them good. I have seen people that were raped as children - whether by a stranger or family member/trusted friend or person - find a way to live - to become successful thriving members of society and have successful relationships and families of their own.
This does not mean that there are no lasting effects. It can be very simple what can cause a trigger - even a stranger walking past them wearing the same aftershave/newspaper headlines or stories when the person is feeling depressed/somebody saying something so innocent - and many others - can cause triggers which can lead to severe panic attacks/severe depression amongst many effects.
There is also the flip side - people who were raped and it affects their whole lives - and this is not their fault - it is not ever a case of 'get over it and move on' 'don't let the b***ards grind you down' or any of the other things often said. Until you have been through anything like this - it is impossible to say what the effects will be and they are different for everyone.

The mama bear in me says 'kill the b***ards' or give me 20 mins in a room with some nice equipment and I can re-enact scenes from Hostel 2 - if you have seen that movie you will know I am specifically referring to a bit near the end of it - even though it was hardly a filling meal for the dogs!

The other part of me also agrees with the other opinions I have read. If someone is going to get executed for rape - what is to stop them going as far as murder to prevent them being identified by a child victim? The 'may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb' theory. We have read in so many cases where someone has gone on to murder their victim to prevent from being identified - can the abolition really prevent this to any extent?
Can the abolition of the death penalty in cases of child rape that do not result in the childs death prevent a rapist from going as far as killing the child? That is a tough one - after all - this depends from rapist to rapist.

There is the political side as well - in that it is a blanket prohibition and states have no individual control over this any longer - however - politics is far from being my field - so that I am steering clear of.

The abolition of the death penalty in rape cases where the victim was an adult woman - raped but not murdered - was enacted in 1977. Has this made any difference? Again - hard to say without talking to the rapists themselves.

The murder of a child for any reason is always going to get people angered, sad, frustrated and screaming for justice in the form of 'a life for a life'. The taking of a child's innocence in a crime as heinous as rape is also always going to enact the most immense feelings in most of us.

Could this abolition really prevent more children being murdered in rape cases as some people have commented?
Should individual states be allowed to have their own opinions and rights as to whether they enact the death penalty or not?
Is a fixed penalty sentence enough for a child rapist or should they be executed?

Everyone has different opinons and always will.............

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mayor gets restraining order against him; Kids rescued in prostiution busts; Nekkid jayjailbird; Nearly got away;

Mayor gets restraining order
Greeley Colo. Not happy at a 15 yr old showing his wife disrespect - this mayor apparently told the 15 year old bad things are going to happen.
Now I am all for people being respectful - especially children towards adults - but for the Mayor to then threaten this child - no matter how annoying, rude, inconsiderate - yeah that's the way to show that polite behavior is the way to go. I have no problems with the mayor demanding respect for his wife - but it has to be done in an appropriate manner. To then throw the kid to the ground because he would not stop riding a motorbike is incomprehensible - and has landed the mayor with a restraining order against him.
I do not believe in pussy-footing around rude kids - heck I am in England and we seem to be over-run by them right now - I do not believe a naughty child should be rewarded in any way - no matter how old - but I also do not believe attacking them physically for whatever reason is the way to go either. The mayor could have just as easily contacted the police himself and let them deal with the situation with the kid driving a bike unlicensed rather than make himself look like some kind of stalker first by cornering the kid at a basketball court and threatening him and then like some sort of uncontrollable maniac by keeping the kid on the ground.
Kids learn by example - and yes - at 15 he is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong - yet being attacked by a supposedly upstanding member of the community is only sending the wrong messages too. I am not excusing the kids behavior - but the Mayors behavior is just completely unfathomable.

Kids rescued in prostitution busts
Sex slaves - sold for sex - runaways and throwaways (oh I hate that term - but there is none more appropriate - makes the heart tear) - not adults only - but children.
21 rescued this time - way to go guys - these kids now have a chance of getting some help and seeing people do care enough for them not to be used in this or any other degrading manner!

Naked jaybird is jailbird again
Having been released from jail - after 2 days - a man was re-arrested - naked - because he thought the clothes the jail had given him were 'stolen'. He was deemed to be rational apart from being naked ................ yep of course - because we all as rational people just walk along the side of a road naked!!

He nearly got away........
Having stolen $3000 worth of jewellery from an appartment - the building super saw him and chased him whilst still in his pajamas. The thief started yelling a 'crazy guy was trying to kill him' and nearly got away with it till a tenant convinced the police that the super they had collared was in fact not the thief! The real thief was caught.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

How NOT to get rid of bees!

You find a load of bees swarming around your utility shed.

You soak towels in gasoline to kill them - after all you are trained on gasoline flash points and flammibility - so what could go wrong????!!!!!

You walk away from the shed to hear a 'whooosh' sound - oops - oh dear - you forgot about the hot water heater in the shed and it's pesky pilot light - which was so attracted to the gasoline!

You now have no home - rented - caused $80,000 of damage - and to top it all a few bees are still swarming around the ashes!

This is how NOT to get rid of bees - and as no one was hurt (thankfully) I have to admit to going between giggling my ass off and thinking 'WTF was he thinking?!'

Jessica's Law in Massachusetts ............

then there's Fagan to deal with.
Oh if it were only the Fagan of Oliver Twist fame - he was a pussycat compared to this monster - a defense attorney at that.
Mandatory prison time for the offense of child rape is removed - that may seem astonishing enough.
What Rep. James Fagan said in opposition to the bill is simply staggering.

Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest?

Hard to say out of these 4 which is which - but it still brings a smirk to the face when trying to figure out whether people are really this stupid?!

Reunited - but it didn't feel so good!
Germany - 4 guys break into a supermarket - security guards catches them - cuffs one and holds the other 3 to wait for police. The guy in the cuffs gets away and runs straight to the police station - to have the cuffs removed. He was soon reunited with his 3 friends - in a cell!

Tired on the job!
Burgling that is - but then falling asleep while still inside???
Yep - the Sherwood Forrest Building (and no signs of Robin Hood - unless you count the sleeping burglar as a Robbing Hood(lum) (yeah yeah groan!) was the focal point of 33 yr old Adan Cervantes earlier this month - but poor lad must have been so tired - he fell asleep while in one of the offices. For his nap - he now has to look forward to charges of 3rd degree felony counts of burglary, criminal mischief and one count of misdemeanor theft.

It gets better!
This guy did not fall asleep - but he returned to a convenience store to rob it - a few minutes after handing over his license so the clerk would turn on the gasoline pump!
To top it off - he is a regular at the store and is on first-name terms with the clerk!

It's compost sir - weally!
Not sure if compost is the right word there - but hey ho!
Caught with a few bags each containing over a gallon of marijuana in each - the suspect claimed it was for recycling! (Story from earlier this month)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

God arrested; Wheelchair DUI; Sassy 70yr old.

God has been arrested!
God Lucky Howard that is! One of the charges - for selling cocaine within 1000 ft of a church!,0,3578116.story

Wheelchair DUI??!!
In Brisbane Australia - a man found asleep in his wheelchair on a highway - has been charged with drunk driving.

70 yr old woman follows robber
and .................. calls the police so they can arrest him at his 'hiding spot'.
Hope I am that sassy at that age!

Don't shove it up your a**! Loving pets too much? Darwins law? An honest lawyer (not 2 words you normally see together in one sentence!)

They will look there!
Oh yes - a man stupid enough to say he did not have a camera - after being arrested on suspicion of taking pics of a nude woman in a tanning salon.
He was searched! Thoroughly! They found the camera - in the form of his cell phone - 'hidden' in his anus!
Whilst your eyes are watering ................. just hope he did not have a blackberry!

We all love our pets - but WTF???!!!!!
In a couple of snippets that caught my eye this week so far - pets........... we love them - we care for them - we treat them as our own - but to commit a crime because of them????

The first one that caught my eye was a 35 year old man - whose skunk had been killed by his mother's dog - tied and taped her up - after hitting her with a club - and apparently also a 14 yr old disabled boy in her care. He has been charged with 2 counts of kidnapping and domestic battery.,2933,370485,00.html

The other one being a guy that fired a crossbow at his neighbor. Now for me to want to do this - it would have to be somebody trying to abduct one of my kids or any other child - and that was my only chance of stopping them (Mama Bear Syndrome). This was over an argument about a dog - not his own dog - the neighbors dog!;_ylt=Avi9dTPdgOkrSSGc1XyFnAus0NUE

Darwin sometimes fails!
A man shot himself in the head and survived - after firing a gun in the air several times in support of his friend being in a bar fight.
Apparently the bullet didn't (or is that couldn't!) penetrate the bone!

Daniel L. Bibb - an honest lawyer!
Believing that 2 imprisoned men were not guilty - he was told by his bosses to go into court to defend the sentences anyway - he did - and lost - purposely!
There are many arguments going on as to whether he was right to do so or not - after all it was his job. If that job leads you to the choice between obligation to your job or obligation to your conscience - I know which one I would choose.
I can say this with a little bit of personal knowledge. There are many times I could have kept a patient on my list and made a nice earner from them - my conscience does not allow me to. They come for help for various reasons and if I know that I cannot help them - whether it be because of something as simple as a personality clash/patient cannot open up sufficiently/not my field - then I refer them immediately to someone who can possibly do the job better. Being able to sleep at night is of a lot more need than money.
I admire immensely what Daniel L. Bibb did - especially in his field it takes courage and a great deal of moral integrity.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Smoking ban; Parenting overruled; Derek Clontz;

Smoking ban - tobacco out - marijuana remains
From July 1st - tobacco will no longer be allowed to be smoked in public places - BUT - marijuana will still be allowed.........pure marijuana that is! So no more cutting a joint with tobacco or coffee shop owners could be fined.
This is of course in the Netherlands.
Can't you just see it - coffee shop for lunch break - receiving a call from your boss the next morning asking why you did not return to work.
Your response, "Work? What work? I have a job????"
Okay so a little exagerrated - but smoking a 'pure' joint will be for most people the equivalent of knocking back a full bottle of bacardi in one hit - rather than spreading it throughout the evening.
Like many I tried this when younger - marijuana that is - oh and the bacardi thing too ;) So I do question as to whether I feel a tad jealous of what appears to be the exceptionally laid back lifestyle there - or whether I actually enjoy spending at least some of my time in a vertical postion of my own accord!

You can't punish me - nah nah!
As a parent - the story via the link provided - hacked me off no end.
We hear so many times of how there are parents - who though not negligent - do not really take notice of what their kids are up to, or take steps to curb rude behaviour.
Kids notice this - and will take advantage - that is what kids are supposed to do - test their boundaries!
It is the job of parents when these boundaries are pushed too far - to pull the kids back within those boundaries.
That is what these parents did in a perfectly acceptable manner with their 12yr old daughter - to have it overturned in court - this took place in Canada.
I believe children have rights - I also believe as a parent I have rights - and like most do my job as a parent to the best of my ability. I believe 2 of my jobs as a parent is to raise respectful, well-mannered children that can become functional members of society as they grow and learn - and also to protect them from the many dangers out there in the 'big bad world'.
To impose a standard punishment - that was non-violent - and to be told by a judge you cannot is abhorrent. I wonder if this same judge has ever had to decide on cases where the parent has REALLY been negligent and had to comment on this (will have a quick scoot around for this). I don't need a 'nanny state' to tell me how to raise my kids - nor did the parents involved here - but they got it anyway.
Let's hope it does not spread!

If you want something on the lighter side - try this guy - Derek Clontz - with stories such as Stonehenge being built by humans who were slaves to aliens - who then zapped them to keep them from blabbing.
OR.......... the velvet painting of Elvis - that begs for food - says 'thank you very much.....' and cries real tears!
It really is a very good site and after reading about all the horror in the world - we need something that will make us smirk - or say WTF???!!!

Grave Disturbances.............

I am a fan of Geoffrey Abbott's writing and the book 'Grave Disturbances - A History of the Body Snatchers' - did not disappoint.
When it comes to the topic of body snatching - many revolve (nearly solely) around Burke & Hare - and whilst their crimes were indeed gruesome - there were many others before and a few after that
From snatching fresh bodies just buried to murder - all for money and in the name of medical science - and the penalties paid when caught - by both - the 'resurrection men' and the doctors - and in some cases, there were vast differences in the sentences handed down. The effect of the Anatomy Act 1832 - which basically ceased the trade for these purposes - yet the book continues to refer to earlier and later forms of body snaching for relics and 'collectors' items.

I recommend any of Geoffrey Abbott's work - his writing is clear and concise without blethering on and always contains lots of information and facts that a lot of other authors do not use or research enough for their writings. Good bedtime reading!!!!!

Journalist reported own murders..............

Yep - we have all heard about the killers that want a bit of fame to go along with their killing sprees - and this guy didn't even have to find someone to do it - the murders were gruesome enough to be reported on by anyone but he was a journalist too so he could make himself 'famous'.
He kidnapped 3 elderly women - raped, tortured and killed them before cutting them into pieces them and disposing of them in plastic bags - he is also suspected in a 4th.

So how did he get caught?????
By being stupid enough to include details in his reports that had not been released!!!
Stoopid is as stoopid does!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gettin' nekkid with the gators!!!!

Oh yes - real ones! A Polk man apparently just loves to be nekkid with them - even after having his arm ripped off by one a couple of years ago!
He was detained under the Baker Act for 72 hours and then released to appear at court last week.
They apparently did not think that there was a severe enough mental abnormality to detain him longer???!!!!!!
Oh - and he did not show for his court date laste week. Maybe he shouted at the alligators too loudly this time before crossing the river?
Susan Atkins
Yep - she that followed Manson - has applied for compassionate release due to terminal illness. Originally sentenced to death in the 1969 Tate slayings - her sentence was commuted to life.
At the time - she said that after Sharon Tate begging her to let her unborn child live she told Sharon Tate that she had no mercy for her or the child. (For those that have read Helter Skelter - you will know this was prefaced with 'Bitch').
Funnily enough - now she feels she is entitled to mercy from the California Board of Parole Hearings?!

There is always a lot of opinion about this case and many others as to whether such people should be released on compassionate grounds etc - after all they would not do the same thing again yada yada - and everyone is entitiled to their opinion.
For me - I say no - regardless of her maybe being a different person - hindsight is always a wonder - but her victims were not allowed the luxury of mercy or dying within the comfort of their families - one was not even allowed the right to be born.
Mine is but one opinion.

Czech cult
Most of you will have heard about this by now. It is one of the worst cases of abuse I have seen in a long time - what happened with the children was sickening - one has to wonder whether other children were in the same conditions - or whether it was just this womans own children. I confess to not having done much reading yet on the Grail Movement cult - so am not going to pass judgement - except on the mother of these boys - heck woman! If you want to 'please the leader' - there are other ways! Of course - now she was 'brainwashed!'
The guy that saw the images on the monitor he installed must have felt sick to his stomach - especially as he had installed it to be able to keep an eye on his own child sleeping.
Thanks to him - the boys will now be safe and begin the long journey of some kind of recovery - at least for their physical wounds.,2933,369464,00.html

The Lemonade Stand Robber
Oh yes - someone was sad enough to rob a lemonade stand being run by a group of children. When an 18 yr old grabbed the money - sassy Dominique (age 12) chased his ass down to a nearby house and called the police - who spent approx 45 mins coaxing him out.
All I have to say is WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!! This is one young lady that is going to go far!
Don't ya just want to be a fly on the wall where the 18 yr old robber is in jail - after being chased down by a 12 yr old girl???!!!!

Child Molested in a Jail
Apparently by her father - Eugene Bond - serving a life sentence for sex crimes.
The mother brought the child in allowing her to sit on his lap - etc. The mother has had charges filed against her for enabling child abuse.
Who do the thanks go to for this being stopped and reported ........... the prison staff? Other visitors?
Nope - the thanks go to other inmates who reported it - nice one!!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008

My first batch of snippets..............

Ok here goes - some of the things that have caught my eye so far today.........

Attempted armed robbery with a plant!
Oh yes it really happened - and whilst the plant could have caused some nasty damage had it caught someone's eyes - this is just hilarious. He was arrested later the same day nearby -as you will see from the link - this link is the actual security cam footage. The customer shooing him out of the shop with a stool in true lion tamer style is a nice finishing touch!

You had marijuana wrapped around your ??????
Yep - John Christopher Williams - arrested on warrants for failing to appear at court - had 9 grams of the stuff wrapped around his penis.
It was not spotted until he was checked in to prison when guards saw it and he said it was 'a misunderstanding!'
What the heck was his defence going to be? Not as though he can say someone slipped it into a pocket or bag belonging to him!
'It was a case of being drugged by rohypnol your honor so they could wrap this around my penis?' ................. nah not gonna work!
Luckily his lawyer made him see sense and admit he should have mentioned it on being arrested on the warrants charge.

Hair ya go!
A cook was very unhappy at having one of his steaks that he had prepared sent back - and told to prepare another one. He did and added some of his hair to it!
Charged with placing foreign objects into edibles he could face a fine of up to $10,000 and 3 and half years in prison.
Cool hwip anyone?!

Bad hair day?
This woman certainly had one. A Brit on her travels in Norway - was arrested at Oslo airport after customs agents asked to examine a wig she was wearing and found it was hiding a bag containing 2.2lbs of cocaine - glued to her head. She was detained on 'suspicion of drug smuggling'.
Guess she won't be able to say it was a migraine patch remedy then?!