Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Corporal punishment in schools...........
This is actually relating to a story from Texas - corporal punishment from schools here is not allowed. In fact here telling a child no in some cases is not allowed hence a society of kids that think they can do and say what they want.
So if you have not got it already - I am not slagging off the use of corporal punishment in schools completely - there are arguments for both sides - but I do believe there are limits.
When a 3 yr old comes home with bruises that stretch from his hips to his stomach there is something wrong. If the parent had induced this kind of beating the child would be taken away from them.
Appropriate corporal punishment can be effective - it was in use when I was in school. There are reasons given for and against in the article attached to the link.
But........ if a parent would be investigated for a form of punishment that is deemed too severe - then teachers/the school should be too. There is a difference between punishment and a beating.

85 yr old woman uses her 2nd Amendment rights to defend herself.........
I LOVED this!!! She was able to use her gun for what it is supposed to be for and the real reason as to why most people have a gun - to protect themselves and their family/loved ones.
This lady has courage and tenacity and showed everyone that wants to have guns banned why they should not be.
I wish we had the same here..........

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