Monday, August 11, 2008


Criminal record over 90p.................
Oh yes..... 90p! A young mother innocently forgot to swipe her Oyster card - offered to pay plus the £20 fine - and instead they took her details after being escorted off the bus by a TFL employee and a police officer!
This is horrendous - a young mother now has a criminal record because of an innocent mistake which she offered to rectify there and then - yet (yeah yeah here we go again!) kids are allowed to get away with what should be imprisonable offences!
Maybe a review of how magistrates are awarded jobs should take place!

Pay rises for MPs that voted against rises for police and nurses........
Does the word 'hypocrites' sound mighty loud right now?!
Okay - Harman voted against the rise - but when she is being paid £140k a year then £6k is not going to make a great deal of difference to her I guess! Or maybe she was aware it may be just a tad hypocritical.
How about we send the others out with the police and other emergency services and put them on the wards with nurses for a few days and see if they still agree with no pay rise!

Brand culture still prevalent .........
amongst school kids. Okay so that is nothing new.
What is disturbing is the way teachers in this article talk about it as though it is just 'one of those things that happens' - and not what should be done to stop it.
Bullying is bullying - no matter the form or the reason - exclusion from peer groups because of brands worn is ridiculous - moreso because schools allow it to happen rather than teach fundamentals of acceptance - unless of course it is in regards to another religion!

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