Saturday, August 02, 2008

Snippets - general....

Calls for Brown to face leadership election.......
Well well ..... not exactly surprising is it?! Aside from the general waffling and taunting of the MP calling for it (McDonnell) - because let's face it - they are all the same - the funniest bit has to be the bit right at the end of this clip:

"We could have a leadership election which is open, friendly and democratic and involves the whole country," he said.

Uh huh - ok - we want you to hold a leadership election but we are your friends and support you - weally we dooooo!!!!
'Friendly, democratic and involves the whole country' --- oookay - if they say so! After all every referendum that they said would be out to public vote was not because they knew the public would vote against it; money is wasted on ID card ideas; not enough money is spent on transport of secure documents so important things like passports and visettes can be easily stolen; the child benefit thing a few months ago where they issue an apology - but it's ok - whoever has the CD's with information only has the details of all your children and your bank details and everyone else in the country who has kids but it's nothing to worry about - oh and here's £10. Funnily enough I didn't want the £10 - I wanted a damn proper explanation as to how this could have happened - why there were no restrictions as to why this was on CD's anyway and apparently no restrictions as to who can download this information who works for HM Revenue and Customs. MOD laptops going missing with potentially sensitive material on.
Money wasted on things that are NOT needed and only to create more of a nanny and big brother state; not enough money on things that should be thought about - hell - these guys couldn't find an implant at a strip club - let alone run a piss-up in a brewery - there's democracy for ya!

Oh and I do not support the Conservatives either - I long for a libertarian - proper libertarian government in this country instead of being told at the age of 40 and of sound mind (most of the time anyway) how to live my life - oh well - a gal can dream!

'Cotton Wool' children face risk of mental health problems.....
Well duhhhhhhhhh! Ok ok - that is not criticism to the author of the article - it is about time someone started saying it a bit louder.
Not as though many people do not think the same thing - have ranted on about this one myself a bit. But until the 'Nanny' (State) is brought down a peg or two and the government takes it's head out it's ass long enough to smell the real world - then it is not as though they will give a damn is it. They should however beware - these young people are the future apparently - they can choose the government's nursing homes - if there's any justice!!!

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