Tuesday, August 05, 2008


£25,000 for five Boogers............
Baby Booger's at that!
A woman has paid THAT much for the 5 cloned puppies of her pit bull terrier Booger!
There are a lot of issues involved here - and like every issue it is down to personal opinion as to where your beliefs in cloning lie - whether for animals or humans.
This is not the first successful dog cloning experiment - as you will see from the article. It is not cheap - but is the cost worth it??

Report claims prison 'too harsh' on inmates........
Is your heart bleeding yet? Are you sitting thinking 'awww the poor lambs!' Nope - me neither!
Proposals recommended include: free condoms,serve their evening meals later to stop them feeling hungry overnight, and that inmates should be allowed to choose whether they are addressed by their first name or surname and title!

Oh yes - that will increase control over violent prisoners won't it? Heck it leaves the door wide open for stick for the guards from non-violent prisoners.
A prison Officers' Association spokesman commented on violence increasing because of lack of officers and overcrowding because of prisoners that simply should not be there.
Well........... there'll be people queuing up to become a prison officer now - just so that they can have it shoved in their face that they will maybe have to call some piece of scum child rapist (for example) Mr. ..... !.

Defying a Hague order.........
This would be Texas - who confirmed the scheduled execution of a Mexican national for later day. This has become an international legal row and has involved the international court of justice who have tried to block the execution.
Last hopes for the prisoner now remain with the US Supreme Court.
Whether you agree with the death penalty or not - it is one of the punishments of the State of Texas - so therefore if you commit a crime which can be punishable by death - and the death sentence is indeed passed - then what the heck has it got to do with the Hague?
I agree with the spokeswoman for the governor of Texas:
"The [ICJ] has no jurisdiction here in Texas. We're concerned about following Texas law and that's what we're doing," a spokeswoman for Perry said.
Maybe he should have thought twice before breaking the law in Texas!
I can understand they are trying to go the human rights route - well - the women he raped and murdered also had the right to live too. Too many times the rights of a prisoner are looked at as being above those of the victim.
He broke the law and was sentenced to death - the laws of the State were followed.

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