Sunday, August 24, 2008

Snippets for today....

MP was suing MoD.............
John MacDougall - whose death is forcing a by-election in Glenrothes - launched the action against the MoD last November after the Government turned down his request for compensation.
The compensation request was made as a result of him believing his lung cancer was contracted as a result of being exposed to asbestos when working for the Royal Naval dockyards.
This is yet another highly embarrassing disclosure as it was Brown's government that blocked the payment - whilst at his funeral saying:

" Mr Brown described the illness as the "cruel legacy" of Mr MacDougall's exposure to asbestos in the dockyards during his youth."

It is not hard to not feel sorry for Brown - his lack of competence on so many levels is astounding - and for some reason an utter belief that none of his mistakes or his ignorance will be displayed for all to see.
Sorry Brown - but you just do not hold that much power, esteem and you are disliked by way too many people!

Babies and pre-verbal children new targets for paedophiles.........
Yes it is sick! Extremely sick and along with the majority of people that have read the article linked below - my stomach is churning!
At least the Met and Scotland Yard ARE speaking out about it - refusing to continue the still 'hush hush' atmosphere surrounding paedophiles and the abuse of kids.
These guys have to try and combat this threat all the time - and it is refreshing to see that they are prepared to say 'it is getting worse!'
No matter how much people try and ignore this - how much the Government wants to play it down that we do not have THAT many sick people in our society - we DO!
What we need now are sentences that reflect the crime. People that possess images of children in such a degrading manner DO deserve to be imprisoned. More so people that actually abuse children deserve to be imprisoned for a lot longer - yet many receive lesser sentences or even walk free.
It is not a field of work I could handle too readily - nor could many of us - and we can only imagine - not that we would want to - some of the stuff these officers have to deal with. It is about they got more support for the hours and the amount of work put in - and longer sentences would be one good start and also protect children for longer at the same time.
Again - stating the obvious - yet it is the obvious that is never seen by this Government or many before it.

Families of internet paedophiles - the other victims............
This is a very interesting article - based on an upcoming drama - and includes interviews with 3 women whose partners were caught after downloading indecent images.
The families left behind of these men are all too often forgotten and there is always the 'they must have known' stigma - and in a vast majority of cases the families are just as much the victims as they are left having to deal with the aftermath.
It is easy to point - it is not so easy to try and understand and use compassion when thinking of ALL the victims! Hopefully this may make people think a little more.

Jurors watch Duncan torture boy on tape......
Some may remember this just awful case - where Duncan killed 4 members of a family - kidnapped the remaining 2 children and subjected them to horrific torture and abuse - including rape - killing the boy afterwards. It was a sharp-eyed waitress that recognised the little girl and called the police.
It is heart-rending reading some of this article and the father's reactions - my heart breaks for him so much but knows that the tape had to be shown.
It was a widely publicised case here and in the States - and only in the aftermath of the court case is everything being brought to light.
This guy will never walk free again.

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