Friday, August 01, 2008

All sorts............

Brazil: body in a suitcase............
Cera Maria Burke (17) was found dismembered in a suitcase (or should I say some of her was) by a riverbank in Brazil - her Brazilian boyfriend having confessed to her murder apparently. Apparently she was killed and dismembered after threatening to reveal all about his cocaine habit and return to Britain. The victim was identified from a tattoo shown on TV that one of her friends recognised.

Man decapitates fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus...
There is not a lot I can say here as it is so gruesome. Passengers including children had to watch as the head was displayed to them.
It is saddening how much gruesome news is reported and it keeps us all enthralled - yes - including me - it is the wanting to know what makes people do something like this - horror and the extreme has always and will always sell.

Mother killed son to 'spite father'...........
What a selfish cow! Some people need to be in control so much that they are willing to do anything to try and achieve it - in this case murder - and then killed herself.
Many of us have had the heartache of a break-up in a relationship - but most of us would never dream of harming one of our children in any way to try and gain sympathy or to spite an ex-partner.
My prayers go to the father and remaining family (both sides) of the child.

Royal Mail stops a village's mail deliveries...............
because it's roads are 'too steep'!!!
I realise there are health and safety issues - but come on!!!!
If the regular postie has a 'bad back' as stipulated - then he is unfit to do the job - get someone who can!
This is going from the sublime to the ridiculous when people cannot even receive their mail!

MPs slam You Tube ............
for not protecting children from the 'dark side' of the internet!
Sorry - am I missing something here? Since when was You Tube or any other site given parental responsibility? That's right........... it is us as parents that are responsible for ensuring what our children see online is responsible for their age. We cannot monitor their every move - especially if they access the internet elsewhere - but we can talk to them and ensure they understand certain things about what is acceptable and what is not!
The world is not all roses and raindrops and sun and rainbows! There is a 'dark side' - and whilst I agree that there is a lot of offensive material - there is also a heck of a lot of good online.
But instead of realising that free speech is free speech - and that different people like different things - and that yes - it may take a site such as You Tube more than 5 nanoseconds to remove something that is wholly not appropriate - we'll just keep dumbing down the whole world for our kids - wrapping them in cotton wool and just let it bite them on the ass nice and hard as they venture out on their own rather than actually talking to them about such things? Right??!!!!

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