Saturday, August 30, 2008


Another teenager stabbed............
and another teenager arrested for murder - this time a 15 yr old.
The sad thing - aside from the loss of another young life - is that every weekend - many now just know that there is going to me more news on more stabbings amongst teenagers.
Looks like the government-created 'f**k you' society is working as everyone expected - everyone except the government who only take their head out of their asses to look around when it is too late - too late being when one life has been lost - let alone the many through stabbing's alone.

Artist formerly known as.........
Chad Johnson (WR for Bengals) - has changed his name to Chad Javon Ocho Cinco (Ocho Cinco in reference to his shirt #85).
The temper-tantrum-foot-stamping 'I'm not gonna play if I don't get my own way' says he did it for fun.

All sorts.........

China Arnold guilty............
This story shocked the world when it broke in - a mother killing her baby in a microwave! Found guilty today of aggravated murder - she could be sentenced to death.
Apparently she was worried that her boyfriend would find out that the baby was not his ........ some excuse huh?!
This is another case where there will not be too many tears if she does receive the death penalty.

He may have failed the interview.........
after stealing the interviewers wallet - then going on a shopping spree - but........... yep - he left his real name and address on the application form.

Dumb as a blog............
A great blog full of the stupid stuff people do!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Snippets - crime - death sentence - and other stuff...........

Muslim man guilty of child cruelty..........
during a ritual known as Ashura - the guilty man forced two boys to flog themselves.
Now - I have no problem with practicing their religion at all and whatever it entails - so long as it stays within the laws of THIS country! The same as when travelling to any other country - we abide by their laws.
The boys did want to take part in the ritual - but heck - a flail of chains with blades attached? Yeah Yeah I know - bad girl should not question or criticise another persons' religious beliefs too much!
Thankfully the elders intervened and ensured the boys received treatment.
Zaidi (the guilty party) will be sentenced next month - in what I believe to be a correct judgment.

The things that make Britain great?!?!?!.............
Ok so I was skeptical on seeing this title and was finding it hard to come up with anything much myself before looking at the article. It is a humorous - tongue-in-cheek look at Britain - and by the looks of it - worth the purchase of the book itself! The extract linked will show you why!

Policeman jailed for punching a child..............
12 weeks inside is going to seem like a long time to him! It would to anyone - but you just know it will get put about straight away he is a copper!
I personally think he deserves longer and also deserves any crap he gets whilst inside for punching a 12yr old in the face - but hey ho - at least he was sentenced to something!
The police receive enough criticism from most quarters - long hours for piss poor pay as we would call it - and I am sure that most of us that are honest with ourselves would not want or be able to do the job. As with any profession - as I stated in a blog below (the one with the poster) from earlier today - it is the minority in the police force that act like complete idiots that spoil it for the majority who do a damn good job.

Joseph Edward Duncan III sentenced to death...........
I did a quick snippet about this a few days ago - about the jurors having to watch the video of him abusing one of the children he kidnapped after murdering their mother, her boyfriend and their older brother. He then went on to murder 9 yr old Dylan after torturing and sexually assaulting him.
I don't think there will be many tears of sorrow shed over this sentence!

Sudden Jihadi Syndrome...........
I love this bog - and one of the authors Jay Tee is one of the best on it - you HAVE to take a look at this posting...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Body of newborn found at waste recycling plant.......
The poor worker that discovered this baby this morning!
Nothing much is yet known except the police are for now treating it as suspicious.
So many may be thinking the same as myself in cases beforehand where a girl/young woman has been afraid of telling about the pregnancy - gone through with it - go scared and killed the baby then dumped it.
Whatever happened - it is just simply horrible.

Haut de la Garenne - couple will not face charges.......
because of lack of evidence. This is always going to be a difficult one - whilst there is no mistaking that 5 children's bodies have been found there and other evidence - determining what happened and who caused the deaths and other abuse is always going to be difficult this much later on.
Claims of hindering police investigations by island authorities and other insinuations flying back and forth also add problems.
Three people have been charged - one not in relation to the children's home - with offences from indecent assault to rape.

Hit and run - in a shopping mall............
by a mobility scooter - this 5 yr old is lucky to have only suffered bruising.
Police are still looking for the driver/rider.

Although this has nothing to do with the accident above - the statement made by the mother about her children being an 'arms length behind her' reminds me of every time I go into town - seeing so many kids not in sight of their parents - i.e. behind.
Jamie Bulger and many other children were taken because of a few seconds lapse of sight by the parents/carers. A few seconds is all it takes! It is easy for someone to lead a young child away in most cases. Keep your kids where they can be seen!

So you better shut the f**k up.........


Saw this on Digg earlier.
After all the stuff going on about police just about everywhere dispensing their own brand of justice - and getting away with it - this is SO appropriate!
Radley Balko's blog - The Agitator - (see blog links at the side for this) - has some great articles on it - links - clips - all sorts.
I posted a clip about one here at a tube station a few weeks ago - and although it must be added it is only the few - and only the cases in public where someone can get a clip on their phone - it is still so wrong when we rely on the same people for protection.
Anyhooo as always has been and always will be - the minority scum spoil it for the majority decent folk!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Snippets for today....

MP was suing MoD.............
John MacDougall - whose death is forcing a by-election in Glenrothes - launched the action against the MoD last November after the Government turned down his request for compensation.
The compensation request was made as a result of him believing his lung cancer was contracted as a result of being exposed to asbestos when working for the Royal Naval dockyards.
This is yet another highly embarrassing disclosure as it was Brown's government that blocked the payment - whilst at his funeral saying:

" Mr Brown described the illness as the "cruel legacy" of Mr MacDougall's exposure to asbestos in the dockyards during his youth."

It is not hard to not feel sorry for Brown - his lack of competence on so many levels is astounding - and for some reason an utter belief that none of his mistakes or his ignorance will be displayed for all to see.
Sorry Brown - but you just do not hold that much power, esteem and you are disliked by way too many people!

Babies and pre-verbal children new targets for paedophiles.........
Yes it is sick! Extremely sick and along with the majority of people that have read the article linked below - my stomach is churning!
At least the Met and Scotland Yard ARE speaking out about it - refusing to continue the still 'hush hush' atmosphere surrounding paedophiles and the abuse of kids.
These guys have to try and combat this threat all the time - and it is refreshing to see that they are prepared to say 'it is getting worse!'
No matter how much people try and ignore this - how much the Government wants to play it down that we do not have THAT many sick people in our society - we DO!
What we need now are sentences that reflect the crime. People that possess images of children in such a degrading manner DO deserve to be imprisoned. More so people that actually abuse children deserve to be imprisoned for a lot longer - yet many receive lesser sentences or even walk free.
It is not a field of work I could handle too readily - nor could many of us - and we can only imagine - not that we would want to - some of the stuff these officers have to deal with. It is about they got more support for the hours and the amount of work put in - and longer sentences would be one good start and also protect children for longer at the same time.
Again - stating the obvious - yet it is the obvious that is never seen by this Government or many before it.

Families of internet paedophiles - the other victims............
This is a very interesting article - based on an upcoming drama - and includes interviews with 3 women whose partners were caught after downloading indecent images.
The families left behind of these men are all too often forgotten and there is always the 'they must have known' stigma - and in a vast majority of cases the families are just as much the victims as they are left having to deal with the aftermath.
It is easy to point - it is not so easy to try and understand and use compassion when thinking of ALL the victims! Hopefully this may make people think a little more.

Jurors watch Duncan torture boy on tape......
Some may remember this just awful case - where Duncan killed 4 members of a family - kidnapped the remaining 2 children and subjected them to horrific torture and abuse - including rape - killing the boy afterwards. It was a sharp-eyed waitress that recognised the little girl and called the police.
It is heart-rending reading some of this article and the father's reactions - my heart breaks for him so much but knows that the tape had to be shown.
It was a widely publicised case here and in the States - and only in the aftermath of the court case is everything being brought to light.
This guy will never walk free again.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Snippets - all sorts........

I'm sick, scared and want a new trial........
Uh huh - words that describe Paul Gadd (Gary Glitter) are definitely that he is a sick man! Apparently he is scared for his safety - good!
My heart is not exactly bleeding here - can ya tell yet?!
Scared?? So scared he was all smiles and completely relaxed and more than capable of giving officials the runaround.
Innocent? Uh huh! More like wants a new trial so that he will gain internet access and be allowed to travel abroad for more than 3 days at a time.
I hope he stays scared!
Oh and don't worry Paul ...... you're not paranoid...... they really are watching you!!!

Distancing the government after data loss........
Ok - in case everyone is losing track here - this would the the data loss concerning prisoners. Jacqui Smith is doing her best to shift blame - but when the government are prepared to pay more than £240 million to a firm to handle such sensitive data - then they can try and distance themselves all they like but that dog just don't bark no more. There have been too many mistakes with data. Hell I could have encrypted the data for them for way less that they paid!
Oh - the kicker - the same firm has been paid millions for their consultancy in the ID cards scheme - yep - feel safer already!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Corporal punishment in schools...........
This is actually relating to a story from Texas - corporal punishment from schools here is not allowed. In fact here telling a child no in some cases is not allowed hence a society of kids that think they can do and say what they want.
So if you have not got it already - I am not slagging off the use of corporal punishment in schools completely - there are arguments for both sides - but I do believe there are limits.
When a 3 yr old comes home with bruises that stretch from his hips to his stomach there is something wrong. If the parent had induced this kind of beating the child would be taken away from them.
Appropriate corporal punishment can be effective - it was in use when I was in school. There are reasons given for and against in the article attached to the link.
But........ if a parent would be investigated for a form of punishment that is deemed too severe - then teachers/the school should be too. There is a difference between punishment and a beating.

85 yr old woman uses her 2nd Amendment rights to defend herself.........
I LOVED this!!! She was able to use her gun for what it is supposed to be for and the real reason as to why most people have a gun - to protect themselves and their family/loved ones.
This lady has courage and tenacity and showed everyone that wants to have guns banned why they should not be.
I wish we had the same here..........

Monday, August 18, 2008

Protecting children.......

Whilst the writer of this article : (David Wilson) - does raise some very valid points - the one thing he seems to be missing here is that Raymond Horne - whom he concentrates on in his article - gets checked on appropriately because of the headlines - because everyone knew that if they screwed this one up after all the publicity about him being returned to Britain there would be hell to pay.
The same can be said with the return of Paul Gadd (Gary Glitter) this week.

We do have some excellent measures in place in this country - but as David Wilson states - no system is ever perfect . Yes - what worked for Horne will work for Gadd simply because of the publicity.
I do however believe naming and shaming before a conviction is fruitless at best. If someone chooses to do this and names and shames someone before a conviction and manages to receive enough publicity - it can actually result in the pedophile walking free (unable to gain a fair trial because of publicity.)

"We also know what makes sex offenders generally, and paedophiles specifically, re-offend when they return to the community after a prison sentence. In short, they are more likely to re-offend when they are "named and shamed", hounded from pillar to post, demonised, scapegoated and pilloried because when that happens they calculate that they may as well commit more crimes because, well, they have nothing left to lose."

Yes - stress can be a factor into re-offending - but to be fair if the sentences handed down in court were long enough in the first place - well let's see:

Jehovah's Witness pedophile Michael Porter - abused a baby and 12 boys.
Walked free from court.
He is still visiting peoples homes - he was simply banned from working with under 18's.
His sentence - a 3 yr community rehabilitation order.

There are obviously many others - enough to fill several pages.

Sentencing laws need to be looked at desperately in such cases. It is not very often we see a sentence above 5 yrs being given - even in the most extreme cases - Michael Porter is far from being the only paedophile to be walking free with no imprisonment sentence at all being handed down.
However as usual - it takes something like Gadd being returned to the country to bring into focus again something that is still seen as a hush hush topic - though thankfully not as much as it was - to overtake such crap of the government allowing obese children to be taken away from their parents and placed in care. How they think this will help the child's mental well being - especially later in life -is beyond me! Take the kids from the parents and spend 100 times more the cost of health bills and treatment from within the home as a family - on a life time of mental health counselling for the child and treatment for weight and healthy eating. (OK - rant finished on this one - for now!)

Children need protection from all sorts of dangers. As parents we teach the basics - traffic - the green cross code - hot and cold - honey it is not a good idea to poke that electric socket with a screwdriver and many other such things.
We also teach stranger danger as do many of the schools at primary level.
We can only protect our children if we have all of the information to hand. I therefore do believe that people living in a vicinity close to a paedophile should be alerted in order to protect our kids.
It is the few that would begin a vigilante crusade - which has affected the rights of the majority in being given such information to enable the safety of their kids.
An estate close to me has 3 paedophiles living on it - I do not know their names or their addresses. I do know that it is not really too safe for my kids to be on that estate alone.

The main source of protection for kids that have been abused/raped is in the courts. Paedophiles will re-offend - yet even though this is known - the most dangerous are released after pitiful sentences being handed down. They did the correct thing with Ian Brady in making sure he could never harm another child again - they thought it was too much of a risk to allow him back on the streets.
This inane culture we have of 'rewarding a bad person' has to stop - especially when it means others can have their lives ruined simply because the sick man that raped your kids is walking free because he started to undergo treatment after he was caught!

I know how people can lie in order to try and obtain something they want - extra medication - saying the right things to fool people into thinking they are okay/not okay. All of us are capable of saying 'pretty words' to cover the truth - especially if we are trying to protect someone's feelings. Paedophiles do it to enable release from prison or to receive no imprisonment at all.

So whilst headlines can cause scaremongering - then when it comes to the case of paedophiles and it means just one more (Gadd in this case) will be watched more closely because of these headlines - I say keep up the good work boys! Maybe one child will be saved from being groomed, abused, raped and maybe worse!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Labour resigned to Glenrothes defeat..........
but - bless them - they are going to try and limit the damage caused to Gordon Brown.
Once the bomb has exploded - you cannot limit the damage - all you can do is clear up the mess left behind and get rid of what is useless and/or worthless!
So............... when is the leadership challenge for the Labour Party going to be?

Ian Brady - whining again about his rights..............
shame he did not think about the rights of the children he raped and killed huh?
If he is getting beaten up daily - ok my heart is not exactly going to bleed for him - but it is a violation of rights as a prisoner in any type of facility.
It is hard to feel sorry for this person and others like him and their petty whining's about their rights whilst they simply choose to ignore the more severe rights they have taken from others - victims and the families/loved ones left behind.
The part in which he waffles about feeling safe to walk the streets is simply astonishing - I suppose he thinks that during his reign in Manchester as a pedophile and murderer that the streets were safer?!
Stop throwing your toys out the pram Brady - I doubt you will have too many that actually feel sorry for you - after all - you would be trying to take the cowards way out in trying to starve yourself rather than live with what you have done!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The outrage over spelling by a Judge.........
I have to say I agree with him - not that I have gone on and on about the decline in general education in this country at all!( ME??? surely you jest!)
Okay - so we are all human and are entitled to make mistakes - but I DO think the judge was correct in stating his opinion too - especially concerning spelling in the legal profession where every word is judged. One simple word that is misunderstood could cause serious problems - therefore good standards of grammar and the English language are a necessity.
As for the bit at the end of this link - it is just another way of too many people wanting to dumb educational standards down even more to make it appear that everyone is on the same level :

Dr Ken Smith of Buckinghamshire New University said common misspellings, such as 'Febuary', 'ignor' and 'speach' should be considered as alternative spellings.

Yep - that's the way to go huh???!! People are different - some are more academically capable than others - that is the way it is. I am somewhere in the middle(ish) - not the great academic - but not too bad either. This thing that everyone seems to have of 'everyone must be seen to be the same' has gone beyond a joke - it causes more conflict in all sorts of realms - not just education - than anything else. Maybe one day (not gonna be holding my breath for this though!) academic excellence will once again be academic excellence - and people will be allowed to be themselves and not ordered about by a bunch of little people who think everyone should conform to their will and be the same as everyone else.

Rape compensation cut if you were drinking ............
Oh yes - apparently if you consumed alcohol on the night/day you were raped - they can take 25% of compensation.

The authority told her the reason for the reduction was that "the evidence shows that your excessive consumption of alcohol was a contributing factor in the incident".

This woman had a lawyer who fought for her and got her the full amount of compensation awarded.
This statement is tantamount to saying: 'you were wearing a short skirt - you asked for it!'
Rape is rape - it is a vicious vile act and it is illegal! Last time I looked - drinking (or wearing a short skirt) is not!

Monday, August 11, 2008


Criminal record over 90p.................
Oh yes..... 90p! A young mother innocently forgot to swipe her Oyster card - offered to pay plus the £20 fine - and instead they took her details after being escorted off the bus by a TFL employee and a police officer!
This is horrendous - a young mother now has a criminal record because of an innocent mistake which she offered to rectify there and then - yet (yeah yeah here we go again!) kids are allowed to get away with what should be imprisonable offences!
Maybe a review of how magistrates are awarded jobs should take place!

Pay rises for MPs that voted against rises for police and nurses........
Does the word 'hypocrites' sound mighty loud right now?!
Okay - Harman voted against the rise - but when she is being paid £140k a year then £6k is not going to make a great deal of difference to her I guess! Or maybe she was aware it may be just a tad hypocritical.
How about we send the others out with the police and other emergency services and put them on the wards with nurses for a few days and see if they still agree with no pay rise!

Brand culture still prevalent .........
amongst school kids. Okay so that is nothing new.
What is disturbing is the way teachers in this article talk about it as though it is just 'one of those things that happens' - and not what should be done to stop it.
Bullying is bullying - no matter the form or the reason - exclusion from peer groups because of brands worn is ridiculous - moreso because schools allow it to happen rather than teach fundamentals of acceptance - unless of course it is in regards to another religion!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

R.I.P Isaac Hayes


What a voice this guy had - The Themes from Shaft and later as the voice of chef in Southpark - all the amazing bits in between including his work with David Porter.
65 seems no age these days - yet the day comes to us all.
Have not seen too much about cause of death as yet - he was found unconscious in his home.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

All sorts.............

Woman pushed onto tracks.........
after she asked 2 men in their 20's to stop smoking.
I saw a news clip of this lady last night and understandably she looked very scared and visibly shaken. She just missed the live rail which would have electrocuted her.
The police could now very easily be looking for 2 murderers if a train had come along or if indeed she had touched the live rail.

London still gridlocked..........
but wasn't the congestion charge supposed to be stopping all of that?
Well they set a good price for the congestion charge so there are slightly fewer cars on the road. Then they go and introduce inane traffic calming measures and of course a nice boom in roadworks - means that there are now more tailbacks and congestion than before.
The tickler for this one is - in trying to get more people to walk - they are of course going to make that more difficult now by axing pedestrian schemes and enabling shorter crossing times at lights.
I am sure if they carry on going in circles like this that one day one of these people that make these proposals will soon be able to bite their own ass!

Number 10 TV...............
Oh give me a break!!! The economy is all to crap - we have read about his personal trainer in order to get him 'fit' (and we all know who is paying for that!) and now this! Their other attempts online have been as popular as an implant at a feminists meeting (yeah yeah I have used this one before!) so they are going to try again?!?! Sooooooooo - their philosphy is - if something does not work - keep trying over and over again just to prove it doesn't? Or let's se if we can break the record of wasting taxpayers money on complete crap? As for reaching out to the public - he has tried and has failed and there is only so much reaching out you can do before you get your hand slapped and this has been happening on a more frequent basis for Gordon Brown.
He is now just looking sad and desperate and if he has half the intelligence he is supposed to have to be able to do a job like this then he should really just give it the heck up.

Pensioner lay dead in bed for 2 years...................
Nothing like good old fashioned community spirit - and this was nothing like it!
Ok so the world seems to have a problem with lack of community right now - not checking on someone that has not been seen etc etc
The one problem here is - the people that say 'this would never have happened in my day' ........... you are still alive so it is your day - and if you cannot check on someone personally for whatever reason - ask someone else to!
Whilst saying there is a lack of 'community' yet doing the same as others then surely you are just enabling that same situation to continue. No-one can do everything - or get those interested that just don't care - but that does not mean everyone should follow suit.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Crime snippets.....

911 calls are supposed to be for emergencies.........
So you would think!
'A slot machine stole my money!' - does not constitute an emergency - I would think most people would be more concerned if they paid out too often - extremely happy but wondering what was going on!
He even called twice about this and ended up being arrested.
Another man called 911 5 times during an argument with his brother.
The best one lately has to be calling 911 to complain that Subway left the sauce off a sandwich!;_ylt=AuwKmK5LanWMQLqtHBr8MZ.s0NUE

Mother to blame after baby mauled by dog.......
Two women in the house - the 17 yr old mother of the 2 month old child and the Grandmother. Both asleep. Neither apparently heard the screams of the 2 month old child being mauled and eaten alive by the dog - a black Labrador puppy. The child had apparently been left in a baby swing for approx 2 hours.
Various tests are being carried out to see just how neglectful this mother was - whether she was under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol at the time - decibel tests within the house etc.
Push comes to shove - no child of that age should be left unattended ever unless they are safe in their cot/basket and certainly never where there are any animals.


£25,000 for five Boogers............
Baby Booger's at that!
A woman has paid THAT much for the 5 cloned puppies of her pit bull terrier Booger!
There are a lot of issues involved here - and like every issue it is down to personal opinion as to where your beliefs in cloning lie - whether for animals or humans.
This is not the first successful dog cloning experiment - as you will see from the article. It is not cheap - but is the cost worth it??

Report claims prison 'too harsh' on inmates........
Is your heart bleeding yet? Are you sitting thinking 'awww the poor lambs!' Nope - me neither!
Proposals recommended include: free condoms,serve their evening meals later to stop them feeling hungry overnight, and that inmates should be allowed to choose whether they are addressed by their first name or surname and title!

Oh yes - that will increase control over violent prisoners won't it? Heck it leaves the door wide open for stick for the guards from non-violent prisoners.
A prison Officers' Association spokesman commented on violence increasing because of lack of officers and overcrowding because of prisoners that simply should not be there.
Well........... there'll be people queuing up to become a prison officer now - just so that they can have it shoved in their face that they will maybe have to call some piece of scum child rapist (for example) Mr. ..... !.

Defying a Hague order.........
This would be Texas - who confirmed the scheduled execution of a Mexican national for later day. This has become an international legal row and has involved the international court of justice who have tried to block the execution.
Last hopes for the prisoner now remain with the US Supreme Court.
Whether you agree with the death penalty or not - it is one of the punishments of the State of Texas - so therefore if you commit a crime which can be punishable by death - and the death sentence is indeed passed - then what the heck has it got to do with the Hague?
I agree with the spokeswoman for the governor of Texas:
"The [ICJ] has no jurisdiction here in Texas. We're concerned about following Texas law and that's what we're doing," a spokeswoman for Perry said.
Maybe he should have thought twice before breaking the law in Texas!
I can understand they are trying to go the human rights route - well - the women he raped and murdered also had the right to live too. Too many times the rights of a prisoner are looked at as being above those of the victim.
He broke the law and was sentenced to death - the laws of the State were followed.

Monday, August 04, 2008

A naked guy walks into a convenience store..........

Noooooooo not a joke! He walked in - claiming to have an explosive in his back-pack (which was destroyed) - and then his nekkid ass (and the rest of him) was arrested!

Crime snippets....

Man beheads girlfriend.......
Greece is not having a good time of it lately for violent incidences.
After an argument and beheading her dog - Athanassios Arvanitis beheaded his girlfriend - and paraded it for all to see.
He stabbed a police officer whilst being arrested - took off in another police car - ran over two female doctors and was shot 5 times by police.
A police official said:

'They knew he had psychological problems ... but they didn't expect he would reach this point.'

Well - that explains it then doesn't it!?!?

Real Home Alone..........
Except this time the child was not left at home - but in a duty-free shop at an airport (Israel) - scary beyond words. Luckily she was found by a member of staff.

Madeleine McCann files to be made public........
The Portugese police files into the disappearance of Madeleine are to be made public today - this one is going to get some serious hits - although it is not known yet as to whether the full dossier will be available.

Overfill your bins? Leave them out too early? Put out extra sacks of garbage?.......
Then you could be fined (on-the-spot) up to £110 ($203 approx)!
That is more than a drunken lout or a shoplifter would receive!
People have received fine notices for over-filling bins - but the new on-the-spot fines - according to government guidelines should be at least £75.
However - if you cannot pay straight away - you will be prosecuted and receive a record for just not having that amount of cash available!
Yet another way how to decrease fly-tipping huh???!!!!

Snippets for today.....

Ikea launch ready-made mobile phone service.......
Oh don't ya just wanna see the instruction sheet for this one?!?!
Will it be flat packed and in DIY (destroy it yourself) form?
Will all the appropriate parts be present?
Will it be missing a couple of vital screws just as you manage to get the whole thing put together?
Apparently they are stressing the 'simplicity' of it's service!
Doing this as a replica of stores such as Asda and Tesco's - they are teaming up with T-Mobile as a special deal for their loyalty customers. I am not too sure what they are hoping to gain by doing this - a furniture store with a mobile phone package? Hmmmmmm.....

'Lad' mags to blame for absent fathers and sexism........
according to the Tories that is!
Here we go again - put the blame on something that has little to do with the situation and make it the root cause!
Men have and always will see women as sex objects - that is just the way it is - men are attracted by physical looks first (the hunter instinct to grab woman and procreate!) Now I am not saying all men are heartless unfeeling gits that are out for the one thing - they aren't - and it would be easy to go into the old joke about God only giving man enough blood supply to run one head at a time. It is a well known fact us women are more emotional creatures but we are not averse to looking at guys in the same way guys look at us and thinking, 'Oh hell yes!'
So what - there are pics of topless women in these magazines - they are mags for guys and the people that make them know that sex sells - always has always will.
If we were allowed to have nude pics of guys in women's magazines they would be there - but the penis is not allowed to be shown or it has to be categorized as pornography - so we get lumbered with a measly sketch of 'position of the fortnight!' Push comes to shove - men and women are more than capable of seeing each other as sex objects.
I agree - absent fathers are a problem - but the cause is not a magazine!
Education from within the home and schools from an appropriate age regarding intimate relationships between 2 people is a necessity.
Teaching respect for oneself and others in these relationships; responsibilities for both the male and the female (it is the female that gets pregnant and more emphasis should be placed on this) to use protection; teaching kids in school what sperm tastes like etc whilst not teaching responsibilities of being in a mature relationship and what those responsibilities entail in full is lunacy. After all teaching kids it is okay to take part in oral sex - how long do they really think it is going to be before the primal urges for both people take over to take it that one step further?
We are human - we are animals and we all have urges and needs. To continuously blame something that is a form of entertainment for the social problems within any society is getting old - it is about time the root causes were looked at.
Let kids be kids and stop trying to make them grow up so fast - teach them education is important - that sex is not wrong but that it is something to be respected and the consequences - i.e. another life can be created.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Snippets for today - mixture..........

A million sickies pulled each year...............
at the Dept. for Work and Pensions.
Oh yes - James Purnell (Work and Pensions Secretary) who was so adamant about a clamp down on the work-shy to the extent of abolishing Incapacity Benefit and retesting those receiving it apparently should be starting within his own department.
People in glass houses should not be throwing stones and you should certainly get your own house in order before condemning anyone else. Only the official figures are stated - I wonder how humorous the unofficial ones would be!

Hero is denied award..........
because those he helped were not British!
This is absolutely ridiculous - Supt. Pearce - who himself lost his eye in the blast - helped 4 American FBI officers to safety.
The man is a hero and I am sure the people he saved/helped see him the same way.
"A Home Office spokesman said: 'We do not comment on individual award recommendations.' "
Go figure!!!!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Bees join hunt for serial killers???!!!!


Oh I have no clue how I missed this one earlier in the week ..... but hey - we can't notice everything!

Yes it is true - of course it is over here - where else?!

I don't even know what to say except they even have a former detective turned geo profiler working with them and they are tagging the bees!

I am soooooooo looking forward to seeing how this one turns out!

A couple of links and yes - even a couple of short clips to watch .........

Crime snippets.......

It were voodoo your honor..........
Oh yes - £1m in benefit fraud and it was the voodoo that made her do it so well - even to the point of producing 3 fingers apparently belonging to her daughter aged 3 yrs old - they fell off after suffering from kidney failure! Police are checking into the welfare of the child!

CNN's Nancy Grace facing lawsuit..........
over whether her aggressive questioning forced the mother of a missing toddler to commit suicide - a federal judge refused to dismiss the lawsuit against her.
The mother was the only suspect in the case - and anything she knows died with her.
I do think it was a bit heartless to show the interview after her suicide was wrong and some time should have been allowed for remaining family to deal with this.

9 charged in death of teen.......
Her parents, 4 social workers and 3 family friends.
This is just horrific - 14 years old and weighed only 42lbs. Forced starvation - maggot infested bedsores and she was also supposed to be under the protection of the city's human services - hence 4 social workers being included in the charges in the grand jury report.
Treated with indifference in life - may she now rest in peace at God's side as a special angel with all the love she deserved on earth.
Danieal Kelly deserved so much more - let us hope justice is served.

Snippets - general....

Calls for Brown to face leadership election.......
Well well ..... not exactly surprising is it?! Aside from the general waffling and taunting of the MP calling for it (McDonnell) - because let's face it - they are all the same - the funniest bit has to be the bit right at the end of this clip:

"We could have a leadership election which is open, friendly and democratic and involves the whole country," he said.

Uh huh - ok - we want you to hold a leadership election but we are your friends and support you - weally we dooooo!!!!
'Friendly, democratic and involves the whole country' --- oookay - if they say so! After all every referendum that they said would be out to public vote was not because they knew the public would vote against it; money is wasted on ID card ideas; not enough money is spent on transport of secure documents so important things like passports and visettes can be easily stolen; the child benefit thing a few months ago where they issue an apology - but it's ok - whoever has the CD's with information only has the details of all your children and your bank details and everyone else in the country who has kids but it's nothing to worry about - oh and here's £10. Funnily enough I didn't want the £10 - I wanted a damn proper explanation as to how this could have happened - why there were no restrictions as to why this was on CD's anyway and apparently no restrictions as to who can download this information who works for HM Revenue and Customs. MOD laptops going missing with potentially sensitive material on.
Money wasted on things that are NOT needed and only to create more of a nanny and big brother state; not enough money on things that should be thought about - hell - these guys couldn't find an implant at a strip club - let alone run a piss-up in a brewery - there's democracy for ya!

Oh and I do not support the Conservatives either - I long for a libertarian - proper libertarian government in this country instead of being told at the age of 40 and of sound mind (most of the time anyway) how to live my life - oh well - a gal can dream!

'Cotton Wool' children face risk of mental health problems.....
Well duhhhhhhhhh! Ok ok - that is not criticism to the author of the article - it is about time someone started saying it a bit louder.
Not as though many people do not think the same thing - have ranted on about this one myself a bit. But until the 'Nanny' (State) is brought down a peg or two and the government takes it's head out it's ass long enough to smell the real world - then it is not as though they will give a damn is it. They should however beware - these young people are the future apparently - they can choose the government's nursing homes - if there's any justice!!!

Friday, August 01, 2008

All sorts............

Brazil: body in a suitcase............
Cera Maria Burke (17) was found dismembered in a suitcase (or should I say some of her was) by a riverbank in Brazil - her Brazilian boyfriend having confessed to her murder apparently. Apparently she was killed and dismembered after threatening to reveal all about his cocaine habit and return to Britain. The victim was identified from a tattoo shown on TV that one of her friends recognised.

Man decapitates fellow passenger on a Greyhound bus...
There is not a lot I can say here as it is so gruesome. Passengers including children had to watch as the head was displayed to them.
It is saddening how much gruesome news is reported and it keeps us all enthralled - yes - including me - it is the wanting to know what makes people do something like this - horror and the extreme has always and will always sell.

Mother killed son to 'spite father'...........
What a selfish cow! Some people need to be in control so much that they are willing to do anything to try and achieve it - in this case murder - and then killed herself.
Many of us have had the heartache of a break-up in a relationship - but most of us would never dream of harming one of our children in any way to try and gain sympathy or to spite an ex-partner.
My prayers go to the father and remaining family (both sides) of the child.

Royal Mail stops a village's mail deliveries...............
because it's roads are 'too steep'!!!
I realise there are health and safety issues - but come on!!!!
If the regular postie has a 'bad back' as stipulated - then he is unfit to do the job - get someone who can!
This is going from the sublime to the ridiculous when people cannot even receive their mail!

MPs slam You Tube ............
for not protecting children from the 'dark side' of the internet!
Sorry - am I missing something here? Since when was You Tube or any other site given parental responsibility? That's right........... it is us as parents that are responsible for ensuring what our children see online is responsible for their age. We cannot monitor their every move - especially if they access the internet elsewhere - but we can talk to them and ensure they understand certain things about what is acceptable and what is not!
The world is not all roses and raindrops and sun and rainbows! There is a 'dark side' - and whilst I agree that there is a lot of offensive material - there is also a heck of a lot of good online.
But instead of realising that free speech is free speech - and that different people like different things - and that yes - it may take a site such as You Tube more than 5 nanoseconds to remove something that is wholly not appropriate - we'll just keep dumbing down the whole world for our kids - wrapping them in cotton wool and just let it bite them on the ass nice and hard as they venture out on their own rather than actually talking to them about such things? Right??!!!!