Saturday, December 06, 2008

Watched - Tom Tancin

myspacewatched-1 Detective Lindsey Scott makes a very much welcome return in 'Watched'. The 'solver of the unsolvable' is also a mom - and she needs to touch base with her kids again and spend some quality time with them - which of course gets cut short when bodies start mounting up in various parts of the country.

It soon becomes apparent that there is more than one killer - all with different personalities - but all with one common link - they target their victims through a webcammer site.

Being the 'solver of the unsolvable' she gets close but is then thrown a bit further left field than she expected when one of the killers targets her son. Personally I think if you have a woman with brains who knows how to use a gun the last thing you want to do is bring out the Momma Bear in her - but it does add a little more spice to a story that was enticing me more and more with each turn of the page - especially as Lindsey's work and home life were now inextricably entwined as she rushes to save her son.

The story line is truly gripping and has the reader guessing at possible suspects and invariably guessing incorrectly.

Tom has kept Lindsey 'real' - keeping her as personable and likeable as she was in her first outing in 'The Man In The Moon' - yet new readers will not be thrown off by reading 'Watched' first then going to her first outing afterwards - something that can be difficult to achieve and keep the flow of the main character going.

This is another exciting, enthralling page turner that I again found very difficult to put down. The strength of the main character is extraordinary - the use of turn of phrase excellent yet keeping the story flowing and a gripping storyline are putting Tom at the top part of my 'must read' list each time.

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