Thursday, October 16, 2008

A little weird, a little dumb, a little fun and a little cute!

Lawsuit against God thrown out........
and not for the reason you may think!!!
It was thrown out over lack of address - i.e. the defendant (God) could not be served.
State Senate Ernie Chambers actually filed a lawsuit seeking a permanent injunction against God......

Man names his daughter Sarah McCain Palin.........
and did not inform his wife!
When filling out the paperwork for his daughter's certificate - he substituted for the above - rather than the name they had both previously chosen Ava Grace.

Can you imagine how pissed his wife must be???
Apparently he is a blood bank employee for the American Red Cross... hope he has some co-workers cross-matching blood types for him - he may just need it!

Making kebabs next to a corpse.....
Oh residents of Wolverhampton right now will be wondering what the heck was in their kebabs and what they could have possibly caught -after a man was discovered making his kebabs where a dead man was lying on the sofa in the kitchen, another man smoking and a defrosting chicken covered with flies!
He has been banned from ever running a food business again - can't think why??!?!?!?!

Colin Powell busting a move.........
hip hop moves that is - at the Royal Albert Hall. He joins a few prominent men that like to get up for a boogie - including his former boss George Bush and late Russian leader Boris Yeltsin.
The pics are great on this link and worth a peek!

Drunk pony goes for a swim........
Fat Boy (the pony) and a partner in crime decided to go for a wander late at night. They came across an apple tree and had one too many.
The fruit had started to rot and ferment (cider -weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!) and the little pony got tipsy and then decided - apparently on a midnight skinny dip!
Cider gives hellish hangovers too!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Today's snippets.........

Mum walks free after sex with 14-year-old boy........
This is ridiculous - she had sex with a child and walks free???
I agree with a statement in this link that if this had been a man he would most certainly have gone to prison.
She was unhappy, lonely and in a failing relationship??? Oh please - I've been single for a long time myself and get lonely - it does not mean I could ever stoop so low as to even think about anything as perverse as sex with a child - or offer to buy them drugs!
Good on the husband for calling the child's mother himself too - and divorcing his wife.

The law applying for one and not for another really has to stop. There is never an excuse for sex with a child!

Too fat to be executed????
Nope - Richard Cooey is running out of time fast and his appeal in that he is too fat to be executed failed miserably. On death row for 22 years after raping and killing 2 college students - he has one appeal pending before his execution today.

Do the dumb get more dumb - or dumber?
You're stealing equipment from an office - laptops etc - you got to the elevator to get your haul out of the building - the elevator gets stuck so you push the emergency button - the fire department are called to rescue you. They however cannot help but notice the stack of laptops and promptly call the police to arrest your ass!
Guess it just wasn't this guy's day!,1518,583762,00.html

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Popularity and politics do not mix.........

Mike - sorry I did not see your comment on the post below.

I don't get into politics too much (which is why of course I am now going to ramble on about it) - the supposed 'leaders' here are as bad - if not worse than anywhere else.

It is fine to want the job to run a country if you truly feel you have the propensity for it - but you have to be able to take your head out of your ass and look at what is going on around you and in your country to be able to do the job effectively - I know that Brown is very guilty of not taking his head out for long enough as are others.

The world right now is going through an economic crisis - and it is going to be interesting to see who has balls and who does not.
I have not voted for years - for the very reason that neither the Labour nor Conservative Party here have shown to me that they have what it takes to be able to get this country back on it's feet again in many areas: economically; socially; religiously; edumactionally (yes - that was done on purpose!); health care; and more help for those in the forces and emergency services (they get a damn raw deal a lot of the time) and quite important to myself and a lot of people right now - get rid of the damn Nanny State.

For those that say 'if you don't vote you have no voice!' ..........fine - then you don't need the extortionate amounts of all different kinds of taxes I pay either?! I will not vote just to keep someone out. By doing that I would be saying it is OK for someone else to do the job whilst I do not believe they can.

Political correctness has gone beyond a joke - heck it comes to something when as a woman you are afraid of saying something because you know so many people would be willing to use you as a scapegoat and sue the employer to make some fast cash.

The Nanny State bugs the heck out of me. Because of the few - again the majority must suffer and put up with being told what to do as adults - but the Nanny soon backs off if we do anything wrong elsewhere - I am however a believer in if you go somewhere and break the law then you are at the mercy of the courts there.
I am a 40 year old woman - I am fairly sensible - I do not need to be told what to do - aside from breaking the law of course. I do not need to be told what to watch - if I want to watch an adult movie - I will - but that does not mean I would ever be stupid enough to let my kids see it. I read what I like - to still be in a world where books and movies are banned because they may cause offence is unreal. Push comes to shove - most movies could cause offence with right (or is that wrong?) - I do however have nothing against little Hobbits - but I believe there is an underground movement trying to get rid of them ........yes there is more than a hint of sarcasm there!

To run a country - any country - takes balls!

Palin's first speech and speeches since have indeed been full of many witticisms. The girl has a sense of humor when speaking publicly. However she has shown little knowledge of anything that is actually going on around the world right now. For someone in her position only being able to cite 'Roe v Wade' when asked about cases that have had an affect in the country was astonishing - anyone that watches legal movies of most kinds would have been able to cite that one - hell they even mention it in 'Legally Blonde'.
I do not believe Palin is stupid. I do however know that I pull better witticisms out of the hat at a poker table - and would never have gone to make a speech without having done some major research first - she acts on gut reactions and then ends up with answers to questions like 'um well ahh um' - Caveman 101 is popular once more. The interviews with Katie Courac displayed this to it's fullest - and to be fair - Courac is hardly known for being super - intelligent herself - but then again she is not trying to be VP - and she showed Palin up immensely.

To gain respect and trust you must first display it and earn it - Palin has not shown she is capable of this - in fact she has shown that she does not think it necessary to be trustworthy at all and respect to her means do it her way or GTFO. She does not even have the sense to sit on the fence on certain issues - she jumps from side to side - proving even more that she acts on gut reaction - gut reaction destroys countries. Brown and many other here are no different.

Popularity is ok - but being able to tell a joke is not going to get a country out of crap. If you piss off someone enough - making them smile is not going to stop them from pushing the button to blow your ass too smithereens.

Balls are necessary for most jobs in politics and I believe in relation to the economic crisis and the bail out in the States - Obama said something along the lines of - 'so what if it's not popular - if it works - do it' - no that is not a quote and I cannot be bothered to look for it! More politicians should look at that and realise that popularity is not going to run a country - here or there. That is not saying I agree with Obama's policies as a whole - I am referring only to that one statement.

Here - we are stuck - no matter who gets in is basically gonna f**k everyone some more without a kiss first and no 'I'll still respect you in the morning!'
A lot of my friends in the States feel the same way about things over there.

I would not want the job of PM or President in a million years - I don't have the propensity for it - nor the qualifications - I'm a gut reaction kinda gal on some things - but I'd have some great comments for them around a poker table - and basically that is where most of them belong. I do know that in discussing a topic that I would have the common sense to have done my research first. The leaders that want to run a country with the 'do it my way' philosophy are not the ones you want with their finger on the button. You want someone that is going to take their head out of their ass - see what is going wrong - admit they screwed up and even if unpopular for a while - do something to put it right.

Popularity and politics are never going to go hand in hand if you do the job correctly.
Respect - however - will come along later.

Eulogy to common sense..............

Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years.
No one knows for sure how old he was, as his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.

He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm, life isn’t always fair, and maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).

His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place.
Reports of a six-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
He declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer Paracetamol, sun lotion or a sticky plaster to a student but could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.

He began to lose the will to live as churches became businesses; creationism vied for equal footing with proper science, alternative treatments became available on the NHS (while cancer drugs were banned) and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
The poor bloke took a beating when you couldn’t defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar can sue you for assault.
He finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.

Barely recovering from that he was bludgeoned to death by the news that the world's financial markets had been demolished by irresponsible bankers who made a fortune doing so and who the governments bailed out by demanding money from those wise enough to have adopted sensible fiscal policies.

This grand old man was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust, his wife, Discretion, his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.

He is survived by four stepbrothers; "I Know My Rights", "Someone Else's Problem", "I’m A Victim" and "Work? I'm better of on the Dole" and his stepsisters, "Gymslip Mother" and "I'll have a baby and they'll give me a house".

Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone.
