Friday, January 30, 2009

Opportunity knocks (my little secret revealed)..........

opportunity and a door that has appeared to be locked can suddenly open!

Like many, I have dabbled in writing for myself but never gone as far as getting anything published. For those of you that have read my other blog on 'blogger' or have seen my page on 'myspace' - you will have also seen that I occasionally write book reviews - and I have had the honor of having had 3 authors ask me to write reviews for their books.

One of said authors - Andrew Towning - I have known since May last year. He is a published author of 2 books (thriller/spy genre) and is presently putting the finishing touches to his third for publication.
Whilst talking he mentioned towards the end of last year that he wanted to leave that genre for a while and try something different - with a co-author - someone who was capable of writing but who maybe had not had the opportunity to get published - in the crime/thriller genre. Let's be fair - it is the fastest selling genre around the western world - we all want to know what makes criminals tick - hail the hero and boo the baddie!

I'm getting to my little secret - really!!!!!

So - not thinking for one second he was talking about me - we got to some minor pussy-footing around the issue and different ideas - I was chuffed to be asked!

Sending ideas back and forth and he said they were good and would work! So now Andrew and I are co-authoring a book!!!

shocked Chuffed to gobsmacked in one hit!!!!

Now it is the serious stage of character profiles, settings, getting basics on paper etc and it is FUN!!!!!
I am really doing this - and have to kick myself now and again to remind myself it is real!!

I have a dear friend - Dan - a very talented writer himself - who is keeping me grounded - making me think about things when I go too high into the clouds - whom I know will not flatter me and will let me know if something is not quite right. His friendship is invaluable to me as his company on this journey.

My brain is fuzzy, my nerves are all over the place - in wanting to do this but also in working with someone already published 3 times and feeling somewhat inadequate - but so grateful to Andrew for this amazing opportunity and his belief that I can do this too.

It is a door that remains locked to many for various reasons and I have an opportunity to, if not charge through it, at least tip-toe through it and take a good peek!

So - wish me luck - I will need it!!!

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