Sunday, February 22, 2009

Government's new brainwave - do not teach kids right from wrong when talking about sex...........

Ohhhhhh this pissed me off when reading it.

Carrying on from Blair's failings, Brown's lot are continuing to make sure that we end up with nothing to be proud of whatsoever in Britain.

We have one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates anywhere but the new idea from the Government is - do not teach your kids right from wrong when talking about sex.

I have 4 kids - 2 of them are teenagers - 18 and 16 - that age.
I fully agree that sex should not be made something to be afraid of or seen as something dirty or immoral.

HOWEVER - I am not about to stop teaching and reiterating to any of my kids to have respect for others and most importantly themselves when it comes to sexual relationships with others.

Healthy relationships - whether of a sexual nature or not - are based around respect for the other person - but more-so in relationships where sex is involved.

Respect comes from having morals and values for oneself initially so that they may be used throughout one's life.

Apparently we should start the 'big talk' with children as young as possible.

Children should be children and like adults each one is different as to the information they can take on board and process. Talking with children at too young an age can cause all sorts of problems when they are unable to process the information appropriately and become confused.

This is another ridiculous act in the Government continuing with the creation of it's 'fuck you' society which is only capable of saying 'fuck you' in return - because they are not expected to have any respect for anyone and sadly not even for themselves.

This brainchild came on the wave of a boy becoming a father at the age of 13.

Maybe if he had been taught morals and values and that maybe obtaining an education, becoming a functioning member of society and learning respect for others and himself - that maybe - just maybe - he would not be having sex at such a young age or maybe even knowing enough to use a condom to prevent pregnancy and reduce the risk of disease.
His more open sex education classes that the government brought into schools are obviously working!

It is about time this Government got on with the job of governing and stop nannying and trying to be every child's parents - because if I made as much of a fuck up or half the suggestions that the Government makes in how to be a parent and let's just let the little darlings run around and bonk each other stupid and then we can send them to school so they can learn what sperm tastes like - then my status as a mother would definitely be looked at.